Did the ex mayor of New York forget about the attack that happened while he was still in office?

He stated that Dub had no attacks on his watch? How does he figure that?

Are all the publican leaders getting old timers disease? He ran for president last election. If he is that forgetful, I am really glad he didn't make it to the main event.

Now the publicans are jumping on the bandwagon about a certain N word. Not the N word, but the more gentile one, which I guess now is not PC? Is that all they have?

If that is all they have to complain about, and their leaders are forgetting the "big attack", is the GOP done?

Will the ex Alaska governor nee Faux Noos cub reporter start a new farther right wing of the Neo Con Gop to replace the aging publican party?

Enquiring minds want to know what will happen next?

Harold G2010-01-12T12:58:47Z

Favorite Answer

He was eager to jump on Obama's back with both feet and earn his stripes as a Republican.

Worse, George Stephanopoulos did not call him on it and just let it slide.

But calm down, no one died as a result of his remark, the world continues to rotate on its axis.

On the bright side it should make for plenty of comedy routines, ie The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Face it, Rudy was a jerk to begin with and remains a jerk!

JEFF S2010-01-12T12:41:08Z

What he was talking about was after 9/11 and there were no attempts after 9/11 either anywhere else on our soil but the attacks are mounting up now since Jan 20 2009.


Yes He did he was there and he needs to look at the tape and knows It was Rudy not someone that just looks like him.


EX-Mayor thinks people are stupid some are.That's what he is playing on.


If you had listened you would understand he meant AFTER 9/11
Typical lib.. does not pay attention!

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