Intel 4th Quarter (4Q) Earnings for 2009?
What are the exact dates of Intel 4th Quarter? Did it end on Dec 31, 2009 or was it the fiscal 4th Quarter?
What are the exact dates of Intel 4th Quarter? Did it end on Dec 31, 2009 or was it the fiscal 4th Quarter?
Net Advisor™
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Intel's fiscal year (FY) ended 12-27.
Source: Yahoo Finance
Intel reported 4th Quarter earnings yesterday, 12-14-2009.
Fourth-Quarter Results
* Revenue $10.6 Billion, up $2.3 Billion and 28% Year-over-Year
* Record Gross Margin of 65%, up 12 Points Year-over-Year
* Operating Income $2.5 Billion, up $958 Million and 62% Year-over-Year
* Net Income $2.3 Billion, up $2.0 Billion and 875% Year-over-Year
* EPS 40 Cents, up 36 Cents Year-over-Year
Source: Intel