I need some lyrics idea's, anyone want to contribute?
Okay, well I have a couple of songs complete, and now im stuck writing lyrics.. Lyrics are definitely not my strong point.. So I am asking, what should I write about? And please do not write lyrics of your own, I just need ideas:] Thank You:]
capricorn <32010-01-18T07:45:30Z
Favorite Answer
write about people in the world who need people to pray for them, like the families of people harmed by terrorism. or the people in Haiti. they need our prayers.
or write about love.. typical. maybe write about finding the person you love, if you havent found them yet. say something like are you out there looking for me the way i'm looking for you.. or something.
Roisin (formerly Miss Malarky!)2010-01-18T11:51:00Z
No one can really tell you what to write about, it's up to you. Think about what you're passionate about, things that make you feel certain things, eg, a love song, or an inspiring happy song. Think of subjects, or imagine you are someone else, i find that very helpful. Good luck :)