Which cell phone should I buy for sending reports via email?

My college son has a job which requires sending a report to an address that is very long. Which phone will work best when you need to type in a long send to address. How many characters does your phone allow?
I have ATT now, but may consider good deal on right phone.


Favorite Answer

Try the Droid (but its expensive), enV touch, enV 3, or a blackberry. Those all allow 160 characters to emails from a text message but if you get one of those phones, you can get the data plan which allows you to get on your email from your phone so it can be any amount of characters. Check out www.verizonwireless.com for prices.

also, i REALLY need help: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=As97Ai_r.8Iqwe3wheQ.Zw_sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100117102704AAZZaTd


blackberries are the best for emailing and it's what they're known for so try picking one up and i'm sure you'll like it for more than the emailing capabilities


blackberry or iphone