Isn't it great to see the Gop take back the country with another pretty face?
Mr. Brown of center fold fame yesterday, last election it was SP, who is now beefing off Mr. Bekk. So, is the new face of the Gop turning out to be the "pretty" people? Is that how the Gop plans to win in 2012?
If so, does that mean, SP and some other "pretty" face will be the Gop candidates?
Is this a good thing for the U.S?
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Let's see it took one year for people to forget what eight years of Bush and the GOP did to the world. Now don't get me wrong I am unhappy with the inattention to Main Street, I am also unhappy with troops still being in the Middle East. But really doesn't everyone remember how scary Dick Cheney is? Enhanced Interrogation (read as torture) ? The shame of Abu Ghraib? The denial of the financial chaos resulting from investment greed and shoddy practices? And one that our grandchildren and future generations will curse us for --denial of climate change. 2000 was a crucial year to start trying to correct CO2 emissions. So no I am not exactly jumping for joy at another pretty GOP face. Remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Well, pretty people tend to be more confident, and confident, self-sufficient people tend to be conservatives.
So, I guess the best thing for the country would be for the beautiful conservatives to take over. They understand that hand-outs weaken people. Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.
We have too many people who have no idea how to provide themselves with the basic necessities of life. It's really, really sad.
... um.. and Obama was the Democrats black pretty face.. the God of the masses.
I don't recall seeing people wringing their hands and crying over Scott.. not like they did Obama.. and comparing him to Christ... no you kool aid drinkers take the prize for that!