Which car would you rather have?

Would you rather buy a 2003 Toyota Sienna or a 2000 Mazda MPV both with 120,000 miles on them? I'm a single mom and can't afford a new car, but I don't want something crappy.


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Toyota, my family has a vacation sienna and we put many miles on that thing. Its at 130,000 right now because it used to be a daily driver before we all bought new cars. Now we have nissans, which I would also recommend looking at the quest if you're looking for a van. The Toyota has cost us only about $70 in repair and that was for windshield wipers, so that is a much more reliable car.


Chris niether. Both have higher mileage. one at 12K a year and the other at 15K a year. Average mileage is between 8K-10K a year. Most people don't know how little they actually drive. Both of these vehicles I'm going to guess are marked at anywhere from 6-8 thousand dollars. And I'm going to guess that you are buying japanese because "they last longer." Please don't be a fool and believe that. The most "reliable" cars on the road share the same drive trains with the "least reliable" cars on the road, which tells me that people are dumb. If you have to get a car within these peramitters then I'd tell you to find a caravan with a 3.3L V6. This is the type of caravan that got the company a good minivan wrap, that stupid 3.8L is what killed them. Or the town in country with the 3.3L v6 is also the same type of car. You can get one with only 80K on it in the same ball park and the only reason is because of that whole buy japanese cars thing. The japanese market although in minivans is less reliable than american they still hold a higher premium due to it.






Um, so now you WANT to give people something rather than them earning it themselves? This was YOUR suggestion. Make up your mind. Schizo. And how are these poor people supposed to afford the upkeep on these clunkers? You do know they cost more to keep on the road via repairs and maintenance, right? Oh, you don't own a car! And you are only 12! Ok.

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