Unexplained Itching Breasts (kinda long)?
In the past month my breasts have been itching like mad. I'm pretty good at not bothering with them when I'm awake but when I go to sleep my subconscious goes to town on them. I am constantly waking up with scratches on my stomach and breasts. It's getting ridiculous. I have been on this birth control called Lenissa for a couple of months. I changed birth controls because the other ones broke me out in hives on my legs. But now my breasts itch. What could be the cause of this? Could it be the birth control and why would it start to affect me now when I've been on it for a while? I mean I'm engaged so naturally we have sex... but I make sure to take my BC so I don't get pregnant; do you get itchy breasts from being pregnant? (I haven't missed a period and haven't gained or lost any weight that I know of.)