Can I skip diaper wipes when it's just a pee diaper?
My 15 mo old son has diaper rash right now, and I treat it by using cloth diapers, diaper ointment and use washcloths and water to clean him (we ordinarily use disposable diapers and diaper wipes) I'm curious that for all of the time, if skipping the diaper wipe all together would be ok. I figure it's one less 'irritant' on his skin, but I have a bit of a 'that's icky' gut response to not using a wipe for pee diapers.
Just curious what you seasoned moms thought!
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I always wiped my kiddo's with a wipe when they pee'd. Pee is irritating on the skin. Especially if you have to wear a diaper and have it stuck to your little bum. I've also used a wet cloth or put them straight in the tub (when it was close to their bath time). Either way in my opinion you want to clean it off. Even if there is nothing visible there, it's irritating to the skin. =)
Well, if you mean to use a washcloth and water on a pee diaper all the time, then I would say yes, that is perfectly fine. However, not cleaning his skin at all after a wet diaper wouldn't really be ok. Boys, don't wipe when they get older, but they are not sitting in their urine. Just think about it like this, if it were you wearing the diaper, would you wipe yourself off after you urinated? =)
Absolutely you can skip it. As a matter of fact, diaper wipes often make rashes worse. It's really okay to use plain water for all diaper changes. That's exactly what was used before wipes were invented.
I wouldn't treat a diaper rash by switching from a disposable diaper to a cloth diaper, as a cloth diaper doesn't wick the moisture away from his skin, causing the rash to linger for longer. Disposable diapers wick moisture from his skin, allowing the rash to heal more quickly. I'd use Boudreaux's butt paste--that rash will clear up like nobody's business! Let him air dry as much as possible--after baths, let him run around without a diaper for ten or fifteen minutes, same with changes. It is generally ok to skip using a wipe with wet diapers, as urine is extremely clean. Just make sure that things are well dried.
We rarely used wipes on pee diapers with our boys. I mean, guys don't wipe when they're older...
Our boys never had diaper rash, so I'm not sure what to tell you. I would say to use a wet washcloth rather than a diaper wipe if you really feel like wiping is necessary.