On the experiences of others...?

Can people who aren't adopted know what it feels like to be adopted?

Can people who ARE adopted know what it feels like NOT to be adopted? (Assuming here they were adopted in infancy.)

Can people who have never been pregnant know what pregnancy feels like?

Can people who have never been infertile know what infertility feels like?

Can people who have never relinquished a child know what relinquishment feels like?

Can people who have never had biological children know what having a biological child feel like?

Can people who have never adopted a child know what adopting feels like?


If your answer wasn't the same to all of these questions, why do you feel they are different?



Just so everyone knows, I give thumbs-up to anyone who provides a relevant answer to my questions, whether or not I actually AGREE with that answer. :-)


Favorite Answer

Can people who aren't adopted know what it feels like to be adopted?
No. They might be able to relate. As in they lost someone important to them, as did we. Although some adoptees may not feel that way. I suffer from my loss & other things, while other adoptees are so called 'perfectly well rounded'.

Can people who ARE adopted know what it feels like NOT to be adopted? (Assuming here they were adopted in infancy.).
No. Its all you know if you were adopted as an infant. Even when you are in reunion you still know you did not grow up with these people. You can vary from your biological family (nature vs. nuture) there is nothing you can do to change that.

Can people who have never been pregnant know what pregnancy feels like?
No. This one you can't even relate anything too.

Can people who have never been infertile know what infertility feels like?
No. They may can relate to it by having a misscarriage or a stillborn infant, but they will never know what it means to be completely infertile. I had a miscarriage and I can only imagine the pain of having multiple then being told your'll never have your own biological children.

Can people who have never relinquished a child know what relinquishment feels like?
No. I can't imagine.The fear that comes after having your child. Are they breathing at night, will someone hurt them, and so on. I cry just thinking about something happening to him. I couldn't bear to think how I would be if I really LOST my son.

Can people who have never had biological children know what having a biological child feel like?
No. Adoptive children are completely different than having your own biologically.

Can people who have never adopted a child know what adopting feels like?


I think we can all empathize, but no we can't know what anything truly feels like if we have not experienced it ourselves.

That said, I do put more weight on issues where exploitation occurs. For example as a woman who has suffered infertility, I don't use that status in my life to conduct unethical behaviour.

I will never know what it is like to be adopted, but I have a severely vested interest as an adoptive mother to find out the most I can to assist my children.

I will never know what having a biological child feels like, but I chanel all my love into my children who are adopted. Is it the same? I will never know nor will I be concerned.

Love the question, empathy is important, but can't use own personal feelings to trample on the human rights of others.



On the experiences of others...?
Can people who aren't adopted know what it feels like to be adopted? No because they're not adopted

Can people who ARE adopted know what it feels like NOT to be adopted? (Assuming here they were adopted in infancy.) - No because they don't know any difference

Can people who have never been pregnant know what pregnancy feels like? No because they haven't experienced pregnancy which I personally have

Can people who have never been infertile know what infertility feels like? No and the closest I have felt to that is that my husband is infertile which is why we haven't had children together and it is doubly heartbreaking as I haven't raised my only child

Can people who have never relinquished a child know what relinquishment feels like? No they are clueless then some have the nerve to serve to say that we deserve to suffer pain, we blame others for what we've been through, don't take any responsibility and it's our own fault but I wouldn't want anybody to suffer the pain I'm still suffering 28 years on and post reunion

Can people who have never had biological children know what having a biological child feel like? No

Can people who have never adopted a child know what adopting feels like? No


Can people who ARE adopted know what it feels like NOT to be adopted? (Assuming here they were adopted in infancy.) From my own experience, I never FELT adopted, I always knew I was but it wasn't a big part of my life. I guess for someone who felt adopted very strongly, then no.

Can people who have never been pregnant know what pregnancy feels like? This depends slightly, my best friend has PCOS and had Endometreosis(sp?) and suffered terribly with hormonal imbalances, menstrual cramps and migraines and PMS. She also underwent IVF to have her daughter and she compared her disorders and IVF treatment very much to pregnancy and child birth. Obviously the emotional aspect would have been completely different, but she had a very close idea of the physical aspects of pregnancy. Otherwise I would say no.

Can people who have never been infertile know what infertility feels like? No, I don't really think they can, I can empathise but I don't know.

Can people who have never relinquished a child know what relinquishment feels like? No, I seriously doubt they can. I guess the closest to it would be a parent whose child has passed on.

Can people who have never had biological children know what having a biological child feel like? No, I doubt it.

Can people who have never adopted a child know what adopting feels like? No, I doubt it.

Some of the answers were slightly different based on how much I feel people I know could empathise with certain points.


No, I fairly would not push Repubs in there. I imply appear on the Dems who hate Christians and Jews. Exploit different cultures for a vote. That shoe suits both manner. I love many different cultures around the globe, I've labored with many corporations globally. Doesn't difference my possess love for my nation as all nations have faults and flaws, this one simply turns out to have much less. Travel does now not make you wise until you already are. People of alternative cultures don't seem to be regularly receptive of Americans, or else individuals would not need to preserve their country overseas, while they've no vigour whatever to do something. It's now not principally eye-catching to head someplace and feature each person throw dated and rancid stereotypes your manner.

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