Question about flying with my pet (dog).?

I am planning on going home to PA to visit my family this summer and I want to take my dog with me. I know i have to pay for him and keep him in a crate. I plan on making him my carry on, since he is only 2 pounds and shakes when nervous. I read somwhere that if the temp gets up to 85 anywhere my plane goes they won't let him on is that correct, even though he will be with me in the cabin.? I don't want to leave him home with my husband for 2 weeks because just before Xmas I was in the hospital for 1 week and my husband told me he wouldn't eat or drink. When I got home he became my shadow and still is to this day. With him only weighing 2 pounds he can't afford to miss 2 weeks of food. He is a teacup chihuahuia and any help would be appreciative since this will be my first time home in 2 years.

Nekkid Truth!2010-01-25T22:19:01Z

Favorite Answer

I believe the temperature regulations only apply if the dog is flying as cargo, not for carry-on.

Do check with the airline when you book your flight. Some DO NOT allow dogs as carry on, and some have a limited number of pets that are allowed in the cabin. Be sure you have the proper paperwork and appropriate crate.



Careful preparation is vital in making the airplane ride a smoother one for you and your dog. Consider worst-case scenarios, such as your dog getting lost en route, and be sure you know all of the airline's requirements for your traveling dog. Here's more info:


The temp rule is only if you have him under the plane. If you carry on, you are OK.


you likely won't be able to convey the canines in any respect. One be conscious: CUSTOMS. maximum international places (likely all) gained't assist you to herald animals/culmination/vegetables, etc. from outdoors international places. i'd DEFINATELY examine with Malaysian customs before you purchase the canines.


a lovely dog

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