Is this how fox news report stories?

there was a school in Jubail in Saudi Arabia that teaches illiterate women how to read and write, one of the rules of the school is not to bring cellphones with a camera, one of the girls, a 21 years old brought her camera equipped cellphone then her teacher demanded that she must take it the girl refused and eventually attacked her teacher in the head with glass and threatened to kill her, the teacher was knocked down and sent to hospital, the judge ruled 80 lashes and 2 months prison on the student

Foxnews reported the story as follows:

12 years old girl in Saudi get 80 lashes and 2 months prison for bringing cellphone to school.


@ Scott B, I live 40 miles away from Jubail + I can read Arabic.


@ by Our2js - its 2 months not 2 years and she is not 13 she is 21


@ by Smart Kat - can you understand Arabic because all your biased English media got the story from the same fabricated source.


Favorite Answer

sounds about right.*

Smart Kat2010-01-26T18:13:04Z

Please provide a link.

I doubt you are characterizing this inaccurately.

Here are many other accounts of that story with the same headline. CNN reported it just about the same way and even an athiest site picked it up.

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Then why the focus on Fox news?
For one thing, I am certain there is at least ONE journalist out there who can read Arabic and would correct this. There is one on CNN - Christine Amonopour (sp?) - who likely could correct the inaccurate stories
But CNN ran the same story Fox did? So why single out Fox when CNN and even some far left publications did the same thing?

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It appears there are many stories about students getting lashes for taking a cell phone to school. How do you know the story you are refering to is the same story Fox referred to?


I did not see this story on FOX, but I did see it on MSN as a BING link & according to the link the girl is 13 & apparently assaulted a teacher who tried to take the phone away. She was sentenced to 90 lashes & 2 years in jail.

Hey, just telling you what I read based off of the below link. If you can provide a differnt link then I will read that one too, oh dont got one!!!


it feels like they are the whipping boy for the republicans because of the fact they document something remotely genuine and if that is not genuine they in basic terms fluff it off and say that it leaked off until eventually now it became into shown however the wear and tear has already been achieved and has left a foul memory style interior the strategies of the reader and then they bypass directly to a minimum of something else. the courtroom suggested it became into no longer against the regulation to deceive the standard public in a case crammed against them and settled in florida. the case of 200 million an afternoon became into stated via a guy or woman distant places and that they blamed him for it and became into basically reporting their findings. heck, they knew greater valuable than that as properly that reporter might have been against the democrats, and a information company like fox knew that the fee of it became into genuine secret.


Seems strange that FOX News has a combined audience greater than all the other cable stations if they have no credibility. Maybe you should re-think your focus. If they did get it wrong, how important is it in the scheme of things that are happening today in our economy and political landscape?

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