Anyone else being attacked by PC viruses in Yahoo?
This is the 4th time this has happened to me in a month. I simply go to a Yahoo page and a virus either attmepts to or succeeds in attacking my computer. It has happened in the past in Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Email and this time...when I was not logged-in, in Yahoo Weather. Does Yahoo know about this? I think these are coming from their banner advertisements.
This latest virus was called "Exploit-PDF.q.gen!stream". What is going on with Yahoo?
I have two answers here and I can tell you with certainty that you are both very wrong. I started my PC, did some surfing around the internet from Yahoo sites only, never logged-on to email and merely went to a Yahoo page (Yahoo Weather in this recent event) and my anti-virus software alerted me to the attack. You may *think* you know how these viruses I did too. But it's a whole new game these days. Viruses can now be spread by merely surfing to a page and I *think* by the banner advertisements that are on those pages. My anti-virus caught this one, but in the previous 2 times, it did not and it infected my PC. In the past, the viruses would "redirect" me to the websites of their choosing. So, this does have a commerical application for advertisers that are trying to get more hits on their websites - hence I can see how a banner ad might contain a malicious virus embedded in it.