How long will flowers last after purchasing?

I am picking my girlfriend up from the airport late Saturday evening. I want to buy the flowers before I head to work in the morning and I'll be at work until about 8 o clock or so. However, her flight won't get in until about midnight.

Usually flowers are sent to her or I can buy them and give them to her in a timely manner. My question is, if I buy flowers, would they still be okay 12 hours later without water? Or would one of those water tubes put onto the end of the stem hold it over? Oh, if it makes any difference, roses or daisies is what I will be buying.

Tubong Mangyan2010-01-28T11:33:24Z

Favorite Answer

You can keep the bouquet in your car in a small container with enough water. Put a tablet of aspirin. It will keep your roses fresh even for three days.


They won't survive 12 hours without water - they'll wilt. The "water tubes'" will work but generally you need one for each stem so that mightn't be a practical solution if you're thinking of getting a bouquet. Your other option is to bring a vase to work and keep them in water until you head to the airport.


You could wrap the stems in wet newspaper and put the stems in a plastic bag to keep them damp. That might be your best bet.