Since all economists agree that Obama's 4Q fake 5.7% GDP was based on temporary factors and false statistics?

What will the DNC's spin be when 1st 2010 GDP tank since there the $8000 homebuyers credit and the Holiday Season wont be around to prop up Obama's fake "recovery"?


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How could the Republicans obstruct in 2009, Brand X?

Name one Republican bill or amendment Dems voted "yes" on in 2009.

landowners pocket our taxes2010-01-30T19:22:38Z


R J2010-01-30T19:37:10Z

I cannot understand why 2/3rds of the stimulus money is still drawing dust. That could have created half a million jobs and had people off unemployment, pay mortgages, you name it. I figure with all this student loan stuff and small business talk they must be waiting for political cronies to start up a construction company to bid on the contracts. There are only so many companies hat met the specifications of the government to built and repair the highways, so that money should have been on the streets eight months ago. It would have been a great shot in the arm for the local economies also.

The numbers will drop drastically, unless they use smoke and mirrors, just like they did for the stock market when they ok'd the removal of the mark to market regulations, thus great profits.


I have not any undertaking with the administration of completely computerized weapons. you do no longer bypass searching Bambi/Bullwinkle with an AK47. My important difficulty is the id of the place and who owns the weapons that are used for searching, self protection, domicile protection, and so on. i think this could be yet yet another intrusion into my civil rights as certain by skill of the form. the genuine undertaking will are available the event that they attempt enforcing forced registration. they are able to KMA earlier i will fill out lots as a million piece of paper. My buddies and employer companions have suggested this heavily. no person gets any cooperation in my section. I doubt regulation Enforcement in this county will make the attempt to enforce this crap besides. i think of i will properly say that an identical would be genuine in many factors of the rustic.

Steve M2010-01-30T19:28:25Z

The dems will blame GW. Axilrod said that is what their spin will be to combat the Republicans.

Everything BO has done is only to boost the economy for a short time just to get him and the rest of the progressives to the next step.

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