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Lv 7
DAR asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Libertarians call out Obama for using fake gun stats to push 'interAmericas' treaty on guns?

"“The first casualty in Barack Obama’s war on the Second Amendment is the truth. Not only does Obama want to renew failed gun bans here in the United States and register all gunowners, he’s hoping to literally scare up enough support for an international anti-gun treaty the Senate has been rejected for over a decade,” said Ferguson.

Obama hopes to enact the Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives and Other Related Materials (CIFTA,) requiring all guns to be marked and tracked by the government. It was signed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1997, but never ratified.

“The people who wrote that treaty know you can’t ban and confiscate guns unless you know exactly where they are,” said Ferguson.

Backers of the treaty, such as Calderon, hope it will be the first step towards gun registration and prohibition in the United States. Obama hopes to push the Senate into finally ratifying the anti-gun treaty."

What do you think?


Charlie Bucket, his OBJECTIVE in violating our Constitution isn't of interest to me.

20 Answers

  • birdie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Gun-running has been against the law since before You or I was born. It just hasn't been enforced. I put a link to the text of the treaty. So far none of the "Answers" go beyond hyperbole and actually speak to the intent and language of the piece.

    Manufacturers spend enormous amounts of money "lobbying" the American public every year through disinformation campaigns. They and you can easily compare the percentage of registered guns to the amount manufactured and sold every year.

    The drug runners and other criminals would not be near the threat they are if they had to manufacture their own arms in small illicit enclaves.

    Obama has ZERO intention of limiting your constitutional right to bear arms. That would be more than just a political suicide...Identifying the guns through marking just makes it easier for law enforcement to track large scale criminal movements of guns.

    Only crooks would worry about this. A responsible gun owner is already known to own a gun or two anyway. This law will not affect them unless they were involved in the illegal sales of guns.

    Read the treaty, not what "people" are saying about it.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I have no problem with the control of fully automatic weapons. You don't go hunting Bambi/Bullwinkle with an AK47. My major concern is the identification of where and who owns the guns that are used for hunting, self defense, home defense, etc. I believe this would be yet another intrusion into my civil rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.

    The real problem will come if they try implementing forced registration. They can KMA before I'll fill out so much as 1 piece of paper. My neighbors and business partners have discussed this extensively. No one will get any cooperation in my area. I doubt Law Enforcement in this county will make an effort to enforce this crap anyway. I think I can safely say that the same will be true in many parts of the Country.

  • Jani
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I am glad there are people out there ready to call Obama out when he falsifies statistics.

    The second amendment to the Constitution cannot be repealed without a long drawn-out political process. But if he is trying another end run around it these made-up numbers will fortify his case. He is truly a spin-master. But the federal government has no right to infringe on gun ownership in any way. Period.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is such a liar. He knows that "90% of all guns seized in Mexico came from the US" statment is not true. It has become a dem talking poit, used heavily by Obama, Hillary and others. He would like to involve CIFTA, the UN or anyone else, so that if there are any actions taken which violate the Second Amendment to the Constiutution, he can say "it wasn't me".

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obama MUST disarm this country if he is to get all of his agenda passed...the 2nd amendment is NOT for hunting, its not for self protection, it is so we can fight off a tyrannical government which will be very hard to do with just a shotgun or 22...automatic weapons are in the crosshairs for this reason and the dumbed down in this country have bought in to the hysteria of "guns"...and as a result are just rolling over and handing this great nation over to the tyrants..what a shameful generation this generation is...our founding fathers would have revolted way before Obama was even in never would have gotten to this point.

    "Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."

    ~ Thomas Jefferson

  • 1 decade ago

    Even if all the cartel's weapons did come from the U.S. (they didn't), the violence is still a result of the failed war on drugs. They could solve the problem by simply ending the war on drugs. No matter how you look at it, Barry isn't being straightforward. It is this administrations aim to weaken and perhaps repeal the second amendment.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Fake stats, higher taxes, mandatory insurance for all gun owners. This slime and his crony's will use every crooked trick in the book to get their way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thankfully the 9th circuit court ruled that states cannot take away our gun rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."

    "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."

    Thomas Jefferson

    Source(s): Thomas Jefferson
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