Is there a reason for his low sex drive?
We have been together over 5 months and he has already seemingly gone off sex, even though he wasn't all that into it from the begining. We have had alot of problems one way or another and stress. But I know that with his ex they were at it like rabbits in the first few months atleast, then she messed him around so he went for months without sex (even a year at one point) ... a friend suggested that he may be applying his past experiences (ie his ex didnt like sex all that much so he has trained not to) to our relationship. I have confronted him and he seems to know not what causes his low sex drive. It makes me feel unnattractive but i cant do anything. He isn't into lingerie, he isn't into boobs, and no matter what i do he isn't into it. I have never ever had problems with any other guy, they are the opposite normally! Please help :(