Rahm Emanuel..should he step down?

Obama's boy Rham Emanuel insulted every parent and family member of a special needs child. The word "retarded" is as offensive to the families of special needs as the "N word" is to African Americans. I have worked with Eunice Shriver's Special Olympics for years. That word is NEVER used by intelligent people. Mr. Emanuel needs to do more than simply offer an apology to a Kennedy family member.

El Guapo2010-02-04T07:23:45Z

Favorite Answer

I think Emmanuel’s comments were disgusting, as were recent comments made by Rush Limbaugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvuHzzDhGRE

Whatever happens to Emmanuel & Limbaugh, I hope that these comments spark a serious national discussion about respect.

This is NOT a partisan issue.

Hopefully, people who have railed against "political correctness" now realize that, whether you are disparaging the disabled, ethnic minorities, fat people, different religions, gay people, etc., these are REAL PEOPLE with REAL FEELINGS.


Rahm Emanuel is a Chicago thug which is why Obama hired him. They should both go.

Obamatopia Idiocracy!2010-02-02T18:48:38Z