BJU vs. Alpha Omega Curriculum?

Someone tells me Bob Jones is much better and I have looked at it and it is more colorful, but is it really worth spending twice as much? For two children? What are your opinions?


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Must agree with the other poster.
AOP is much more user friendly. Teaching grade 1 BJ curriculum was more cumbersome for me as a teacher and required much more outside prep. Much preferred AOP. My sons were also less intimidated by the LifePacs in younger years than all the textbooks and workbooks and worksheets required by BJ. We did the LifePacs in early years and started using SOS (Switched on Schoolhouse-the AOP computerized curriculum in Grade 3. We never looked back,


I was in Alpha Omega and BJU also. I liked Alpha Omega much better. I understod the lessons in alpha omega better then i did in BJU. BJU to me I think is much harder. It's more advanced then other programs. I really liked Alpha Omega.