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Why John Cena vs Undertaker is very important match to you? +BQ?

Undertaker had feud with John Cena around 2003. John Cena had make very impressive Debut to be in the match with Kurt Angle on smackdown. After that, The locker room had congrats to John Cena. We know something will changed after, John Cena had shake hands with the most respected wrestler in the locker room.

Brock Lesnar career was very short only 4 years. Brock Lesnar was going to be the face of the company. After, He'd leave the company to be Football player and UFC fighter. They'd make John Cena to become the face of the wrestling business. John Cena got over by the crowd because of his great mic skills and charisma.

He always having good feuds with everyone. John Cena had accomplished everything in the company. He's successful wrestler and entertainier. We're going to see this match at wrestlemania 30. We've lot of wrestlers had the superman character like Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Bret Hart, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, John Cena and more others.

I believe Undertaker would've lost to Hulk Hogan or Stone Cold Steve Austin only if, The Promoter Vince McMahon and WWE creative team had make the match long time ago. The match will be the must see match in pro wrestling history. They're the bigger draws of the business. People wanted to see Undertaker wrestle at wrestlemania because of his impressive Undefeated Streak. John Cena is the only full time who is worthy to ending the streak at wrestlemania.

If, John Cena beats Undertaker's undefeated streak, The fans said they would stop watching wwe. The IWC already hate John Cena since 2005. That's going to make John Cena the most hated wrestler in wrestling history. Undertaker Undefeated Streak is very hard to the wrestlers. Undertaker might be the Greatest all time. I'll keep watching If, Undertaker retires being Pro wrestler. He has give us the best almost 30 years. He's very loyal to the company. Why Undertaker vs John Cena is very important dream match to happened at wrestlemania 30?

BQ Are the Four Horsemen greatest stable all time?

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why is Cena vs Taker important to The Dragon? Simply because Cena is THE face of pro wrestling, it's most recognizable star, the most in-demand performer from pro wrestling and "sports entertainment" wanted for guest appearances by other forms of entertainment (I'm not counting The Rock because he's not a full-time wrestler or full-time member of the WWE; he's an actor who does an occasional match for the WWE, that's all). Cena is this generation's "Hulk Hogan" or "Ric Flair" or "Stone Cold". It absolutely does not matter at all if the IWC "hates" him. The quotation marks are intentional. If those who claim to hate Cena really hated him as much as they claim then they wouldn't watch the WWE nor would they spend so much time and energy blaming Cena for everything wrong in the world. Cena is, without question, the biggest wrestling star in the world of the past ten years. He does it because he loves it and loves the fans. Cena lives to be a WWE "superstar". Lesnar, on the other hand, did it, and does it today, strictly for the money, nothing else.

    The Undertaker, much like Andre The Giant, has transcended the company he works for. Taker, like Andre, occupies a whole other plane of stardom nobody else does, not even Cena. That's a very apt correlation. If Cena is this generation's Hulk Hogan, then Taker is this generation's Andre The Giant. Hogan and Andre were the two biggest forces of the 80's. Cena and Taker are the biggest forces today. And they certainly define the old saying of "the irresistible force (Cena) meeting the immovable object (Taker)".

    Their first go-round happened when Cena was basically a rookie trying to make a name for himself. Taker was already established. Cena did well but he was basically just getting started. Taker is past his prime, yes, but still a very dangerous opponent capable of defeating anybody. Cena can be said to be a little past his prime, as well, as injuries have slowed him down a bit. But that doesn't matter. They are still the two biggest forces in the WWE. Still the two guys everybody wants to beat to make names for themselves.

    Cena is no longer that rookie trying to build a reputation. He's done that already. He IS the biggest star in the business and he's beaten everybody there is to beat in the WWE. Except for The Undertaker.

    Taker, as well, has beaten everybody. Except for John Cena. A whole lot of fans consider Taker the greatest of all-time. But unless he faces Cena at Wrestlemania that claim isn't valid. They are the two biggest stars in the business. They HAVE to face each other at Wrestlemania.

    If Cena is the one to end The Streak the WWE will not lose any viewers. Those who obsess over Cena will be back the very next night "hating" him while they watch RAW. The snivelers will be back on the internet blaming Cena for everything wrong in the world, whining about Taker getting "screwed", believing Cena somehow someway manipulated Vince into making Taker lose or some BS. Win lose or draw, doesn't matter, the WWE won't lose any viewers.

    BQ: Absolutely! The original Four Horsemen are the blueprint, the prototype, the standard, and any other word you may want to use, for the pro wrestling stable. They exemplified what it means to be a TEAM where nobody was more important than anybody else, where the group as a whole had common goals and they all did their parts to achieve those goals, where the group itself was more important than any of it's members. The original Horsemen were a nearly perfect collection of five individuals who became greater as a stable than they were as singles (or tag team) champions. Unless you got to see them in the mid 80's it's hard to describe to somebody who didn't get to see them just how great the group was. There have been some excellent stables since then (the original nWo and DX especially) who got it mostly right but they didn't quite measure up to the standard of excellence that was The Four Horsemen. Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard, Ole and Arn Anderson, JJ Dillon. We'll never see the likes of that again. As the old saying goes, "often imitated but never duplicated".

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    John Cena Vs Undertaker Wrestlemania

  • John R
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    You said it yourself, that encounter a decade ago of Cena shaking Undertaker's hand was pretty significant. Though, that can't certainly be the only reason why the match is "destined" to happen.

    We all consider Cena as the top guy in the company. That is universally accepted and true. I clearly recognize the guy's uniqueness in the company, being able to handle ANY crowd, and always being able to get a reaction. Undertaker has done that as well.

    Cena has been here young and strong for a decade, and he really still is aside from minor injuries. The guy is controversially at his prime, some may say years ago, some may say years to come. When any superstar is in such a position, you know he's special.

    Finally, Cena doesn't lose cleanly. Only rarely. Same applies to Undertaker, especially at WrestleMania, of course. Cena's gimmick is plain and simple- never give up. The classic moral we find in nearly every story, never ever give up. Being applied to the wrestling world of course made it seem idealistic and unreal, in the sense that only superheroes can obtain that gimmick and make it work. Nobody else had this gimmick and been able to work it as finely as Cena. Except for Undertaker.

    Put these two megastars in the main event at Mania, and you're calling for a very unpredictable anything goes match. This is the one match people are completely scared of, and this is why it must happen. The IWC can ***** all they want about Cena potentially ruining the streak, but that's the whole ******* point. These type of matches are best when nobody but the two wrestlers and Vince know the outcome. Bleacher Report will rehash rumor and speculation articles for months, and not a single one of these articles will provide a solid, definite proof that either one will win. Punk vs Taker was very obvious. This match won't be.

    Considering also how Undertaker and Cena are the best at "sudden kick outs", this is a match where everybody will be on the edge of their seat.

    I expect great things from this match which I feel very certain to happen. And if this turns into an I quit match, well, I'll let somebody else explain it since that's a whole another level of surprise.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago


    Why John Cena vs Undertaker is very important match to you? +BQ?

    Undertaker had feud with John Cena around 2003. John Cena had make very impressive Debut to be in the match with Kurt Angle on smackdown. After that, The locker room had congrats to John Cena. We know something will changed after, John Cena had shake hands with the most respected wrestler in the...

    Source(s): john cena undertaker important match bq:
  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    ★Undertaker 1.What is your favorite undertaker match? When he lost the first ever casket match to Yokozuna. Several heels came out and helped Yokozuna beat up the Undertaker. All of Undertaker's friends ran out to help him. In other words nobody came out to help him. 2.When did you became a fan of undertaker? I have never been a fan of the Undertaker. 3.What is your opinion on his streak? It's bogus. The only reason he is 17-o is because he has be booked to win all 17 matches 4.Do you think there is a wrestler worthy enough to end takers streak? There are several wrestlers worthy. 5.Who would you love to see undertaker team up with? I don't care. 6. Do you consider undertaker the face of Smackdown? No, I don't. ★Shawn Michaels 1. Do you consider that shawn deserves to be called Mr. WM? Yes. HBK usually has the best match there. 2.When did u became a HBK fan? The first time I saw him wrestle in Central States Wrestling back in the mid 1980's. 3. If Shawn could win a title soon, which title do u want to see him with? The WWE Championship 4.What is your favorite HBK match? Too many great matches to choose from. 5. Do you believe that HBK screwed Bret? Earl Hebner screwed Bret by orders from Vince McMahon. 6. Do you like HBK in DX? No, I like him as a singles wrestler.

  • This match, if it ever comes together, is very important to me. At my core, for all the analyzing I like doing of the WWE and wrestling in general, I'm a fan. I love seeing the big, epic dream matches. Cena/Rock, Triple H/Lesnar, Undertaker/Triple H. I love that. The biggest names on the biggest stages putting it all on the line. That's when wrestling is at it's best to me.

    With that said, there is no bigger match under the current roster than John Cena vs. The Undertaker. Not Lesnar/Rock, not Rock/Undertaker, not Undertaker/Lesnar. None. Cena is my favorite wrestler, and The Undertaker is the best wrestler I've ever seen (and not far behind Cena on my list of all time favorites). To me as a fan, Cena vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania is the ultimate dream match. Nothing even comes close to it.

    Plus, the symmetry of it all comes together next year. Wrestlemania 30. The Undertaker's, seemingly, last match. Cena always excels on the grandest stages of them all. The Streak has, as The Dragon said, transcended everything else in the WWE. It's bigger than any title. The potential of ending The Streak is the biggest thing a WWE superstar, any WWE superstar, could hope to accomplish in his career. Nothing even compares, really.

    The Streak, especially since Wrestlemania 23, is truly amazing, but it lacks one name. Cena. Batista, Edge, Micahels, Triple H, Punk. All of them are elite stars with great pedigrees (pun kind of intended), but none of them are the face of the company. None of them are the biggest star of the last decade, the Austin or Hogan of this generation of fans. Cena is THE GUY in that regard. The Undertaker can run the streak for as long as he wants, but unless he faces John Cena, it'll always remain incomplete.

    At the end of the day, that's the single biggest reason for not only why this match should happen, but why it HAS to happen.

    BQ: Not to me. I only say that because I have very little first hand knowledge or experience with them. They were before my time. I know that isn't the most solid answer of all time, but it's the one I kind of have to go with.

    To me, Evolution is probably the greatest stable I've ever seen.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    First, Do I like John Cena in the ring? No. Do I think John Cena is a good wrestler (except in the WWE ring)? Yes. Do I respect him as a person? Hell yes. Am I a fan of him? No. Is he overrated? Yes. Am I a WWE mark? No.

    You see, it is that the IWC hates John Cena and frankly, I find him boring in the ring (Bring on the thumbs downs) but that does not prove that he is a bad wrestler. It is 100% true that he has tons of charisma and has great Mic skills but if that match happens and John Cena wins, it will not make me to stop watching WWE. I agree that might make me hate Cena a bit more but thats not going to stop me from watching it. The hype of this match would be HUGE!!!! If that match does happen anytime soon, I sincerely hope Cena does well in the ring against The Undertaker.

    In this match, I would keep hoping that Undertaker wins but it wont be a surprise if he loses to John Cena, this match just might be the most hyped match in WWE history.

    BQ: According to me, yes, I also liked Evolution though, currently I like the Shield.

    Source(s): My head
  • 8 years ago

    Because both superstars have virtually broken the barrier of popularity throughout their careers and they've yet to have a major rivalry. The Undertaker is among a very thin class of the greatest of all time, not just to the WWE population but wrestling fans as a whole, too. He's become more than just an asset to the company; he's a legendary presence, a God among men if you will. And his streak list consists of men just like him, including Ric Flair, Shawn Michaels and Triple H who are all mega-stars in their own right. But there's still one man on the roster whose presence is just as important, who's just as close to The Undertaker's level of prominence than anyone else in the history of professional wrestling, and that's John Cena. And until The Undertaker beats Cena at Wrestlemania, his career is incomplete.

    John Cena, like The Undertaker, has transcended traditional value. He's been the WWE's main financial source for eight years. Though he's not the most.. "beloved" name throughout the online wrestling community, he's still popular among several other age demographics. You're right, John Cena and The Undertaker did have a short rivalry in 2003, but that was during Cena's "Doctor of Thuganomics" gimmick. He wasn't nearly as popular back then as he is today. Now that Cena's stock has risen beyond expectations, I think Wrestlemania 30 is the perfect place for The Undertaker's career to end (if that's where he plans to end it) and, even in loss, Cena will still gain the credibility that he deserves.

    Let's face it, there's no way the creative team is going to allow Cena to lose without him putting up a fight. If history serves us all right, wasn't it Randy Orton who lost to The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 21 and was still put over to the point where he became a multi-time World Champion? And wasn't it Shawn Michaels to fought The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25 and 26 and, in loss both times, retired from wrestling known as the greatest wrestler of all time? It isn't about wins and losses against The Undertaker, it's about how much you brought The Undertaker to the wire and if or if not you left the ring with some pride and dignity. John Cena's personality further promotes the fact that he'll leave the ring, win or lose, known as The Undertaker's greatest challenge to date. And that benefits both The Undertaker and Cena.

    I don't think Undertaker or Cena can retire without this match happening, special emphasis on The Undertaker. Notice how he has wrestlers like Jake "The Snake" Roberts, and Gorilla Monsoon, and Mark Henry on his streak list, but he doesn't have ANY wrestler on his list who has been the face of the company at some point. Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart, The Rock, Stone Cold.. and there are several more. John Cena would be the only person on the streak list who's been the face of the company at some point and time; does that not boost the streak tenfold? The Undertaker can't afford to hang up his boots without putting them on one more time against John Cena.

    All signs point to this match happening at Wrestlemania 30. It's a milestone event (if you count by fives or tens), in one of the biggest stadiums in the country, among one of the loudest audiences in the world. I don't know what else could even come close if this match doesn't happen.

    BQ: I'm not too familiar with the Four Horsemen. I wasn't born around that time, nor was I watching wrestling around that time. In my opinion, the greatest stable of all time is Evolution.

  • 7 years ago

    I know Wrestlemania 30 has passed but why does no one want Jericho vs. Taker?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    its not. Cena is not as "tough" as Lesnar, Cena is not a good promo like the Rock, why does he deserve this match? Cena is not the best of his generation at anything nor does he deserve any respect for anything he does. He is just a generic boring vanilla good guy. How the hell he is going to carry a near crippled person in a match, huh?

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