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Is NJPW World worth subbing too?

This is actually a legit question. 

Is it worth it..yes I'm familiar with New Japan and their wrestling and have been for decades. Just wondering if it's worth subbing to yet another service (they add up), but I like watching a variety of wrestling and New Japan has always proven itself. Should I sub for the big wrestling shows then un-subscribe?..or is it worth just keeping it for all they stream?Let me know, thank you.

1 Answer

  • 5 days ago
    Favorite Answer

    It depend if you love most of the current NJPW product, it might be worth supporting them. First thing you got to think about is how much of it will you watch.

    I'm not personally subscribed to NJPW World even though I believe I once was, for about a month, to watch the archives I couldn't find anywhere else. Same thing for Dragon Gate Network. I usually subscribe to different wrestling networks here and there to try something new and unsubscribe when it doesn't suit my needs anymore. I've also tried IWTV a couple of times. I'm currently interested in Jarret Parsons TV for the old territories days which is a good enough price of $3.99/Mo in USD.

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