Should we repeal the 19th Amendment?
After all the trouble we've been having lately, a lot of it seems to stem from the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
Would America be a better country if we got rid of it?
After all the trouble we've been having lately, a lot of it seems to stem from the 19th Amendment to the Constitution.
Would America be a better country if we got rid of it?
Curt J
Favorite Answer
Bad idea. Why not bring it up with your mother and tell her you want it repealed. Let us all know how that worked out, once they release you from intensive care.
Edit: I agree with Flying Car, the 16th could go yesterday and I'd be overjoyed.
I know it sounds racist and sexist, but as a country we would be well served to repeal the 15th and 19th amendments. Because of the way blacks were treated in the beginning of our country, there are still many who have a chip on their shoulder. So many feel like they are owed something. This is evident by the fact that they consistently vote for the party who is going to give them the most. Women on the other hand, far to often make decisions based on how they feel in their heart, when in reality they should make them based on logic and reason. This quality is fine for a mother, but not for running a country. I have tried on several occasions to find the correlation between the numbers of social programs that were in existence before women had the right to vote and the speed with which social programs were adopted after the 19th amendment was adopted. While I haven't found concrete evidence, I am quite certain social programs ballooned rather quickly after the 19th amendment was ratified. I know my answer isn't politically correct, but if we are talking about what would be more conducive to a strong, independent, self-sufficient country, I cannot help but believe that we would be better off without these two amendments.
All Hail Hypnotoad!
You should review the history of woman's suffrage, before asking that question. Yout also fail to explain what the hell you mean, from a causality perspective. First, the main reason that it wasn't passed sooner, was fear by men, that women would suddenly take over government, and get elected to most positions, since there are more women then men (51% to 49%) For first 6 decades, there was no discernable difference in women's voting patterns until the 1960's and 70's. Then there was a 'gender gap' that favored the Dems, mostly because of Conservative Social positions of Republicans. But even with the Gap, Obama still won election. And President Bush would have lost election easily without the 19th amendment and one could quite succinctly argue that the nation would be better had VP Gore won.
No but they really should get some form of intelligence test for politicians or an incentive for them to behave like if they accept bribes or sell arms to hostile nations they should be thrown into the Anacostia River in a sack, however that would sort of result in the river being clogged up with the staggering amount of drowned politicians might cause serious ecological issues.
Based on the liberals response to sealing our borders I wouldn't be surprised if they passed a 29th amendment stating no one could be denied to vote based on their national origin as long as they are from and support a dictatorship.