Im Trying To Figure Out If I'm Pregnant Or Not With A Home Test..Opinions Please?

Well I took A First Response test last night and another one just this morning and it keeps coming out with two lines but I'm a bit confused because the first line meant for "positive" comes out a bit blurry and super light compared to the second line. Then again it's clearly visibly there. Any opinions about this? Please no sarcastic remarks, this is serious.

Thanks For Reading :)

#3 due 9/10/20102010-02-07T11:21:28Z

Favorite Answer

Your pregnant! Congrats. That is the same test I took and it looked just like that!


You are pregnant. The same thing happened to me. I took 4 tests to confirm and they all were blurry like that. If you are still doubting it, take a clear blue test it will say pregnant or not pregnant. Its a bit easier to read than the pregnancy tests that have lines :)

Evan's mommy is Preston's mom too now!2010-02-07T11:23:48Z

Yes you're pregnant and I am a bit jealous! ;-) I have peed on one of those tests day for the last week LOL and I haven't the slightest line in the pregnant area... :( Congrats to you!!!!


You're pregnant, usually it's a very faint line for a positive test.


Look positive to me. You're pregnant! Congratulations.

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