A few questions about ovulation?

I am going on my 6th month of trying to get pregnant. This month, we decided to use ovulation predictor tests. At 9PM on Thurs 2/4, I got a positive. My husband and I had intercourse that evening (and also the day before, just by chance). I also had the egg white cervical mucous that day. We did not have intercourse the next day. But I thought we still had a good chance, because I am under the impression that once you have a positive ovulation test, you will ovulate within 12-48 hours. So at the latest, I would have ovulated Saturday, 2/6, right? The only thing that contradicts this is that I also had egg white cervical mucous yesterday, Sunday. Which should I go by? Did I miss it this month by not having intercourse after Thursday? Is it possible that I got a positive test but did not ovulate until Sunday?? Or can you have EWCM but already be done ovulating?

Oh, & the test was definitely positive because I use the digital ones.


Also-- when people say they are such-and-such days post ovulation-- what day do they go by? Do I count from the day that I got a positive on my ovulation predictor? Or what?


Favorite Answer

I love the ovulation tests and I think you will too! You don't even have to use the pricey ones - you can get them at the dollar store and online for .50 a test! When you get a positive have sex that day and the day after. Generally, you will ovulate 12-24 hours AFTER you get the positive. Discharge the whole time ( 2-4 days) around ovulation is totally normal and does not mean you missed anything dear. baby dust!


Have you considered using a basal body temperature thermometer to track your cycles? I highly recommend checking out fertilityfriend.com or reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility.
OPK's will only tell you that you are about to ovulate, they can't confirm whether you did or not. By charting your cyles in addition to OPK's you will be able to more accurately determine what day you ovulated. Good luck!!


What matters is that you had sex before you ovulated. Sperm can live in the body for up to five days, so when TTC you want those lil guys to be waiting there already when you do ovulate.