Need help with white flies on Tomatoes?

I've got a bad case of whiteflies on my tomatoes( in S. Fl.).
No luck with what I've tried so far. Have any of you all had success with anything in
controlling these critters. Can't be a systemic poison.


I appreciate the suggestions, but what I'm looking for is something someone HAS USED and had success with. I've tried many things that have been suggested to me be "knowledgeable" gardeners and growers. Again, thanks.

Garden Inspire2010-02-09T09:28:22Z

Favorite Answer

I have used insecticidal soap
and horticultural oil
You may need to use both and apply more than once since some that were flying in the area but weren't on the plant would not have been killed.

Insecticidal soap kills on contact.

The horticultural oil suffocates any insects and their eggs on the plant and should not be used when bees are present. It also should only be used when it is under 85 F. It will not harm any insects that show up after you have sprayed.


Try Insecticidal Soap it`s sold in many garden shops


use a small squirt of dishpan soap in a gallon of water & spray on to the dirt of your plants - can also spray plants too, this works only on soft body bugs to kill them


just go to any agriculture department and ask for flies control spray


Go to They have remedies for that.