What does "C:\WINDOWS\system32\command.com" mean?

So I'm not the most computer savvy guy there is and the IT guy at work recommended I download spybot as an antispyware. So I do and I run it and I delete all the things it told me to and now when I start up my system I get a black window with this printed at the top that alternates (very fast) with another that is an identical script except the last is cmd.exe. The two windows keep popping up continuously for a few minutes and then stop on their own. What is this and how do I get rid of it. My model is older. HP pentium 4 and I have XP. Thanks


Favorite Answer

This happens sometimes with spybot. I've included a link for you that has the solution to your problem. Just scroll down a bit and you will see the fix for your problem.
Not a big deal though a lot of people have had this issue. Here is the link:


Make sure you read the whole forum because there are a few different solutions but one of them should work for you.

Abduallah A2010-02-10T17:51:08Z

You need to repair your XP installation and get back this system file, otherwise this will continue to happen, this happened to me with a different but still fundamental file. To repair just pop the installation CD into your CD-ROM slot or better and hit r when prompted to. Have Fun!