Why is it dangerous to touch both ends of a 3000 Farad Capacitor?
Im an undergrad Electrical Engineering student and we got into a discussion about a fully charged 3000Farad capacitor, and its rated for 2.7 Volts, but its instantaneous discharge for current is 1100 amps. one friend took the point of if he touched both ends he wouldnt die, or experience any pain from the two nodes of the capacitor. The other took the stance that there is a larger than 40% chance that it will either kill or hurt him. which friend is right?
the capacitor in question was pulled for having problems, ideally the output was 2.7 volts on a high valued resistor. being that the human body has varying resistances depending on situations such as sweat or an open wound at the time. is there still some danger shorting out the capacitor with your body.
also lets say it was damaged in such a way that it discharges instantly after being charged up fully. would that resulting current be enought to kill or atleast harm the unlucky person touching it?
The fact i was trying to argue is that there is a small possibility that the capacitor will see a low resistance path to ground and discharge rather quickly. 500mA is enough to kill someone, 50mA could cause nerve damage that could cause the death of someone as well. so I am well aware current kills, voltage stings.