Jehovah's Witnesses: Why can't computer witnessing count as "going into all the world?"?
PLEASE don't get me wrong. I love JW's... My in-laws are JW's. A forum like this allows us to challenge (maybe poke a little fun) at each other because we ARE passionate about the things that we believe in.
I know that the door to door work is very important too you as proof of your commitment to the great commission. I have done door to door work for a church I attended in the past. I don't do it now because they think I'm a JW. LOL. It would seem you folks have "cornered the market" on door to door work.
But none of my R/S Q/A are private. To my detriment, critics of my Q/A have deleted resolved Q/A after being finalized; even one being a BA.
Why can't my non-private Q/A (over 500 plus now) count as doing my part to fulfill the Great Commission? I've talked/witness too: Muslims,(one overseas in Saudi) LDS, Catholics, atheists, evolutionists, and God-haters of all types.
Why can't my computer work count the same as your door to door work? I'm not imposing myself on anyone.(It's up to them to read what I've written if they want). Just using my freedom of speech. Do you think God will give me credit for it, even if your organization won't?
PS I didn't ask whether your accounts are private or not. How does your accounts count if no one can read them?
Hi Peacelil: Thank for being one of my faithful contacts. My deleted Q/A on JW topics is maybe 75%. The others were mostly Muslims topics LOL...Muslims REALLY hate the idea that Allah has its' roots back to the moon god that was worshipped in Mecca. BUT.. you know the normal response to such accusations: ANYONE could have done it. And it is considered pure coincidence if it happened to be on the topic of the WT. My main point in asking this question is: Many JW posters say "we are the only ones bringing the good news of the Kingdom, and if you were as zealous as us; you would be out knocking on doors too." (This is the TOKEN that we are the one and only TRUTH. But is never seemed to occur to them that by reading our posts; we are witnessing just the same, but by different means.
une fleur: Thanks for your kind words.
Saraphina Blue: Thanks for your post. In the desire to be a book "known and read of all men;"(2Cor. 3:2);deleted Q/A is the risk we all take. I don't blame you for going private. For whatever it's worth: Someone went back into my file and voted on an unresolved question that was a year old. It just happened to be my answer, and it gave me the BA. LOL and WHOA!
Mindy: Thanks for your post and testimony. So far from what I've seen it's okay to count computer witnessing as "field service." As you said: "Who said it can't." But both you and Tears of Oberon are concerned that it must be the "right message." Jesus didn't come to announce that "Jehovah's universal sovereignty toward his creatures" per se. Everyone knew that God is sovereign; even the Pharisees knew that, and so did the devils. (James 2:19) The question must be asked: What is the message of Christ? Everyone knew there was a God and he has a Kingdom. Christ came to teach us HOW to enter that Kingdom. The Pharisees had their methods: Keep the law; do the rituals; ceremonies; keep the traditions of the elders; and if your "good works" measure up; you will be worthy of the Kingdom of God.
Christ came teaching and preaching "the gospel of the Kingdom." What is the gospel? It means "good news." It's the good news that Christ has come to set us free from the bondage of sin and death. (Romans 8:2) I believe we can be so caught up in the pursuit of the Kingdom, that we forget what the qualifications are to enter that Kingdom. In demonstration of the "gospel of the Kingdom" (Mark 1:14) Jesus healed the sick, (Mark 1:34) casted out devils,(Mark 1:25-26) and gave salvation to the soul.(Matt. 9:2) Since you "study the Bible intensely" (I appreciate that) Can you find the scripture for me that says: "The authority to forgive sins,(Matt. 9:1-8) rests in Jehovah God alone?" Can you be forgiven of your sins by going straight to Jehovah? Can you pray straight to Jesus for that forgiveness under WT theology?
After all, it was Jesus that told the Jews and the Pharisees (just to be a Pharisees you had to memorized all the books of Moses) "...if you believe not that I am He, you shall die in your sins." John 8:24. You see the point I'm making here?
We can argue all day (not my intent) of who has the message of Christ. If I'm right, am I not fulfilling the great commission the same as you believe you are? Even if I'm not knocking on doors?
In your intense study of the Bible, look for passages that confirm or deny that the authority to forgive sins was ever given to anyone with the DNA of angels: or did Jehovah give it to someone his equal? See Phil. 2:6.
HI Angilmus: I thought you might return and change that verse from: "I" have a zeal for God, but not according to accurate knowledge." - Romans 10:2. To: "They" have a zeal for God, but not according to accurate knowledge." But that shows how much fun we can have in comparing our points of view. LOL!
Em leah: Thanks for your post. If it's true that: "Jehovah didn't give us the Internet for his preaching work." (:
Then I haven't found a book, chapter, or verse that says we can't. LOL!
une fleur: Thanks for your comeback. Jesus was in total submission to his Father's will as he walked the earth. Then, God exalted him to the position of having a name above every name. (for the purpose of salvation, may I say; even above Jehovah? (see Psalms 138:2) And my point is, only Jesus can forgive you of your sins. That means praying directly too him, receiving him into your heart, and if Christ is not "IN" you; you are none of his. (Romans 8:9) And while we can debate forever the: Trinity, deity of Christ; divinity of Christ; was Jesus Almighty (Rev.1:8 says he is) If Jesus and his Father are one in the same. Are they equal? (Phil. 2:6 says they are). My point is: the forgiveness of sins; which we will need to see (John 3:3) the Kingdom, is in Christ alone. And isn't that our hope? "To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ "in you," the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:28.) Is this the correct message?