Does anybody know anybody who ?

Does anybody know anybody who actually obtained one of the millions of promised new jobs that were created by Obama's stimulus bill ?

If so, what was the new job that they obtained ?

What were some of the millions of new jobs that were created as a result of Obama's stimulus bill ?


20/20 - It has been revealed that if the unemployment stats took into consideration those who gave up looking for work because they could not get a job + those who accepted a part time job because they could not get a full time job.........the unemployment rate is actually 17 %


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Obama hired numerous czars with communist leanings. Do those count?


I couldn't tell you which jobs were created because I haven't researched it, but I don know he saved a lot of jobs. If GM had gone under that would be thousands of jobs lost. You can gripe and complain about it all you want but the truth is the stimulus bill did save jobs. Also, I don't believe it was his stimulus bill. It was congress's stimulus bill. Everyone always blames everything on the president when the truth is congress is the only branch of government with power of the purse.


I knew a guy who met a guy whose brother-in-law made signs that said "Another shovel ready project paid for by the stimulus bill" who went out of business.


No one, it is a lie. The only ones who recieved the money were bank ceos, insurance ceos, and motor company ceos. No one who is not one of the previously listed recieved any sort of jobs.
He lies.
How is that hope and change working for the american people?


They are hiring here in Southwest Virginia out unemployment is 6.5%

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