Are my pregnancy tests positive?? Photos Included!!?

I'm approximately 12 dpo. These are dollar tree tests.

I took the first test this morning with my first urine & at first I thought the test was negative-- but when I looked again I could see a line so faint that I felt like my eyes were tricking me!! Fished it out of the trash later (Obsessed!!) & I could def. see the line still but I know you aren't supposed to read it after 10 minutes.

The second test, I took in the middle of the day. I took photos of right after the three minute mark. So those photos were all taken before the 10 minute time frame. But the lines are so faint that I just am not sure!!

I will certainly test again in a few days but I just wanted to know everyone's opinions!!
Tell me what you think!


Yes-- My first!! & Been trying for a while now so I will be very happy if it is true!! I feel like it can't be real!

Tyler's Mom2010-02-18T09:20:29Z

Favorite Answer

Positive!!! Congrates! Is it your first?


That is the classic evaporation line given off by dried pregnancy test (esp. blue dye tests). Before 10 min of peeing on the test you should read the results so at like 9min and 45 seconds... any line that appears after that is an evaporation line from the urine drying on the dye and should be considered negative (it explains it in the pamphlet insert in the test box) Sorry hope you get your BFP soon

luvin mama of rebecca!2010-02-18T09:27:43Z

yes that is definately a positive, i had that a few weeks ago, a tad lighter line, and took one 3 days later and it was negative, ive been feeling kinda sick on and off throughout the days and tired and no period, so im thinking the second one wasnt accurate! imma take one again soon! congrats!


Yes! Congrats!!! I <3 those dollar tree tests. They are the only thing that keeps my POAS urge under control lol!

Baby Brother on his way <32010-02-18T15:04:39Z

yayyyyyyy your pregnant!!!!congrats!! i cant wait til i get a faint line lol good luck! wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy!

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