If a PETA member gets sick?

Shouldn't he refuse to be given medicine since that would mean he is a hypocrite?


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Angrydoc, mate, you're asking in the wrong section really. Many - almost certainly most - vegetarians and vegans don't support PETA, and PETA is certainly not representative of veg*ns.

And PETA's hypocrisy is nowhere more evident than in their stand on medicines. Ingrid Neukirk is kept alive by animal-tested medication herself (insulin) but she campaigns to deny this right to other people with life-threatening illnesses. She is now in the age group where cancer is most likely to strike, and like all women she has a one in three chance of it - my guess is she will move the goalposts again should that happen.

If you're asking what vegans would do if they got sick - vegans don't live in a bubble of vegan perfection, they live in the real world. Veganism's about minimising your contribution to animal suffering as much as is - in the words of the man who invented the word vegan - 'reasonable and practical'. Refusing necessary medication isn't reasonable or practical, it's insane.


I don't know about publicity-crazy PETA, but a vegan would probably look for medicine that hasn't be tested on animals, or accept the fact that something horrible created something beautiful that is beneficial to society, in the same way that you probably wouldn't discriminate against a rape victim's child.

Most vegans who are against animal testing on products are against it because it is unnecessary and inaccurate. For example, to test cosmetics and shampoo with animal testing, rabbits are constrained at the neck, their eyelids are cut off, and product is put into their eyes until they die, either from breaking their necks trying to get free, or from being poisoned by the product. The way of testing without animals is to use skin material grown in a lab that is identical to human skin. It is much more accurate and causes no harm to anyone or anything.


They are awfully quik to sell out when it suits them, they campaign against animal testing but will quite happily take medicine that has been tested on animals


What if a terrorist abducts your mother and your daughter and tells you that you have to choose which one he kills and which one he spares?

Stop asking stupid questions, man. You wrote in your profile you trying to fight ignorance yet you're generating it yourself. PETA people fight for a just cause, no animals should be treated like objects.
I respect my dog more than some people I know and trust me, he does deserve it more.