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Anonymous asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Westminster Dog Show and PETA?

so I was talking to a good friend about this last night because we end up on the PETA subject while talking about Penn and Teller. Like I normally do I go to the PETA site to see what they are up to and to figure out if they are going to be in my area anytime soon.

So like they have become so fond of they were protesting outside of the dog show with their AKC/KKK BS. As an owner of purebreds, the daughter of a responsible breeder and just a rational human in general i'm seriously ticked off and disturbed by their train of thought.

This is DIRECT from their site and blog

"In the pursuit of "purity," some breeders kill dogs who are not the "right" color." I have yet to meet ANY reputable breeder since my mother got involved when I was younger who has EVER culled a pup for off coloring.

"Meanwhile, a growing overpopulation crisis is forcing pounds and animal shelters to destroy an increasing number of mutts" Yeah because there are NO purebreds in the shelters right?

"-it shouldn't be surprising that as many as one in four purebred dogs is plagued with a serious genetic health problem. For example, beagles such as Uno, last year's winner of the AKC's Best in Show category, have a much higher risk of hypothyroidism, hip dysplasia, and epilepsy." - Last time i checked there were TESTS for these problems and reputable breeders were working to eliminate these and other problems from the gene pool

"The AKC's fetish for body image causes dogs health problems that mutts don't usually have," says PETA Vice President Daphna Nachminovitch. "The AKC is directly responsible for the promotion of purebreds, which means money for breeders but creates sick dogs and vet bills for their guardians--and leaves pound pups homeless."

Bull and shyte

whats worse they were dressed as Klan members. I can honestly say I probably would have gotten in trouble had I been in attendance and saw this, actually I KNOW I would have gotten in trouble.

Seriously what does PETA think they stand to gain from this? Don't they realize that its stuff like this. the sea kittens and EVERYTHING else they do that makes people tune out everything they have to say?

Anyone else agree that dog owners; mutt and purebred need to stand up to these idiots and tell them to shut up?


P M - I think we should put them ALL on the same boat and sink it.

It like every year they get more and more extreme. They should all go work for Bill O'riley they way thy spin the truth

Update 2:

Rotten - that why you wear SAP gloves when you do it. And yeah the majority have had way too much of the AR Kool-aid.

Anyone else notice they have at lest stopped lying about whether they recruit kids or not?

Update 3:

Rescue - Personally I think PETA, BYBs and puppymills are all a problem. PETA isn't helping anyone or anything, just themselves.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most so called PETA nuts that I have honestly tried to have a conversation with came across as card carrying nuts that act like they didn't make it all the way back from that "last trip". I have no idea why they result is this completely asinine tactic that would be so offensive to the average rational person.

    LOL those gloves do come in handy, the lack of National Guard didn't hurt either, however they removed several of them.

    I encountered them last year at Westminster. I encountered them when I worked Katrina, they honestly said the animals would be better off dead. That's not what you tell volunteers working 24/7 in stinking water. Several of them, all of a sudden had broken noses but the other rescuers or I have no idea how it happened. As bad as it was down there they choose to ***** instead of help, they wouldn't even help the people.

    Consider the source, and as hard as it is try to ignore the stupidity. Its better than having bruised knuckles.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ummm yeah there have been breeders who while trying to keep the right standards have killed pups for whatever own dogs a couple of them are stumpy tail australian cattle dogs ( not aussies) and years ago they were routinely gotten rid of due to being born with tails and wrong colouring..there have also been breeds that have been WAY over bred due to popularity (Rough coat Collies ) for one . they bred over bred them until they were so long and slender in the face I doubt there was room for brains..

    As for peta..**** them!! They are people who have WAY too much time on their hands and should look into maybe directing their energy on something a little more productive..they are losers so just ignore them and never stoop to their soon as you answer them or yell at them they are getting the reaction they the 3 year old having a tantrum..ignore them they may not go away but you will be a better person for it

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Most of them have gone completely off the deep end. They are beginning to sound more and more like a cult all the time.

    They are also very hypocritical since the neglect to acknowledge the fact that they are in boo koo trouble for

    euthanizing animals they say they were rescuing from animal controls that were going to euthanize.

    They even want to stop people from eating any fish of any kind which would cause a huge portion of the world to starve to death.

    I think we all want the ethical treatment of animals but most of us are reasonable human beings and are aware of reality.

    I do believe that PETA would like to see all pet ownership and any association with animals done away with. They need to get a grip on reality.

    Not every one associated with PETA has lost it but a large part of the leadership has.

    I totally agree with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    oh that's nothing PETA loves more than publicity.

    I have seen the video they made of themselves dressed like a Klan member disrupting a public forum about dogs. But personally nothing was as offensive to me as the campaign using the Holocaust. I'm not Jewish but have plenty of clients & friends who are & had family members in prison camps or themselves were. They found that to be extremely offensive & belittling their suffering & loss.

    PETA is a bunch of nuts & I wished more ppl paid attention to their real messages other than they want to help save animals so they must be good, let's donate.

    PS I know you have already seen this but for the others who haven't this is Penn & Teller 3 part Video regarding PETA - a must see!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    PETA is ultamatley against pet ownership.. period... statements like this is all part of some agenda they have.. get people against purebred animals first.. their next step will be to irradicate mutts.

    There was once a time where inadequate pups were killed.. today, they are spayed/neutered and sold to pet homes.. if its a serious DQ, the breeder does not breed those parents together again, or may opt not to breed either one again at all, knowing that they carry genes for the DQ trait.

  • 1 decade ago

    PETA kills 85%, at least, of all animals that come into their shelter. They want to put a end to pets entirely. They say make your dog or cat vegans it healthy for them. And lastly they would like to see the APBT breed wiped out. They are against the trap fix and release programs by some cities to control feral cats. They are a bunch of nuts that would like to see more Extreme measure taken in the animal liberation movement. I do have quotes for anyone who wants them, and the mags or news papers they were in. By the way they have been arrested at dog shows letting dogs out of thier cages and putting anti-freeze into the water dishes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    PETA has done stunts in the past that I thought were wrong. You must forgive me, but there is a PETA member lurking in my family. My daughter-in-law is a vegetarian and PETA member. She buys into their crap. Shes supports them and the Bulldog rescue, so she isn't all bad. They send me literature all the time. Thanks PETA, I needed something to use as a fire starter.

  • Crash
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    PETA are extremists and terrorists. They are not capable of rational thoughts. They think it's bad to breed dogs yet Ok to bomb medical labs and people's homes. Everything they say is 100% propaganda.

    I regularly visit and recommend it to everyone I know.

  • Kate C
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Sadly they dont realize that. I dont think peta will stop no matter what we have to say. I guess we counld just speak our concerns constantly over a long period of time and eventually that will be heard over the yelling of peta.

    Think MLK, he didnt fight, he just stated what he wanted and was a motivational speaker. It was very calm and constant instead of a lash out every once inawhile.

    i do agree with their fur issues, but what they do to get their point across is illegal.

    Source(s): yes I agree PETA should SHUT UP, but they wont unless people force them too, which would make me as bad as them. I would've ignored them. They want attention.
  • PETA is hurting more animals than they are helping

    if it was up to them

    every dog that got away should be freed.

    my dogs would die within days of not living in my home

    PETA is dangerous to animals

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