I say 9 months of total RECONCILIATION bills in the Senate could fix Democratic issues, right?
I mean, I think the dems should shove reconciliation right down the pubs throats as the pubs shoved the 500 billion pharma giveaway down the throats of the dems. Public option Medicaire at 55 option Tort reform Banking Regulations Immigration amnesty Just get it done, while you can, is that not how the pubs rule? Do two wrongs make a right? After all I have heard from the tea party and the neocons I say YES! What do you say?
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YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES OF COURSE, the dems need to just do the freakin job already. Do they really think they are getting ANY yes's from a republican sold out to the tea party freaks?
This is really one of those cases where those who have dealt with the system know its broke, and those who haven't just believe what they are told. And there has been a billion dollar campaign by the insurance companies to make sure that they keep their cash cow. If you notice, the heat has died down as they agreed to end the most egregious practices, like dropping sick insured while in the hospital, in return for continued lack of competition from a government run insurance plan. By the way, they were for that too as long as it would only cover people with preexisting conditions, or those who could afford only bare bones policies, things they aren't interested in covering. When universal coverage was discussed they brought out the big guns and fought like tigers. When things go wrong, as they do for so many who try to get the coverage they pay for, those people contact their senators and representative with demands that they do something, that is so prevalent, that the congresspeople know that something has to be done, even though the average person doesn't think about it until they are the ones calling for more regulations, and wanting to know how the insurance companies can possibly get away with it. BTW I'm a senior and I was for the other plan, not the sop to the insurance companies that was left.
Senate vote tally for Bush Prescription drug plan: The 54 to 44 vote was not along party lines -- 11 Democrats voted in favor and nine Republicans voted no.
Paul Krugman tells us not to blame Obama but to, "Blame our political culture instead. . . . And blame the filibuster, under which 41 senators can make the country ungovernable."
No so long ago the same Paul Krugman was warning about "extremists" trying "to eliminate the filibuster" when Democrats used it systematically to block 43 of Bush's judicial nominations. Back then, Democrats touted it as an indispensable check on overweening majority power. Well, it still is.
Conservatives will support the Constitution as well as the traditions and institutions that have made this the greatest country with the greatest political system on earth. What part of tyranny of the majority do you find so appealing? How can you say that that is how the Republicans rule? When was it so? Bush was Republican, the Senate and House were Republican but still the minority Democrats used the filibuster in an unprecedented way to block judicial nominees from coming to a vote. It was an outrageous abuse of the filibuster rule that never was used for that purpose before in the history of America by any party. Many Republicans supported reconciliation to force their agenda. But Republicans, in general, supported the tradition of the filibuster to protect the rights of the minority Party.
Do you think the Democrats will be a majority party forever? Do you think no bill can be repealed by subsequent Congresses? Why do you insist on forcing your agenda on the American people who have clearly displayed that they do not want it? Ours is a government of the People, by the People and for the People. There was a time, not so long ago that the once Honorable Democrat Party's slogan was "Power to the People". What is it now? "You vill haf Socialized Health Care and you vill like it!" or perhaps, "Sieg Heil!"
A reconciliation bill only applies to bills on the same topic that have passed both the House and Senate, but with major differences that require reconciliation. Not very many of those out there.
Unfortunately it can't be used for everything. And if the Republicans are determined to force the Senate to a halt, then they'll likely be able to do so. The question is, will the American electorate even know or remember that the Republicans did this in 2010? Most signs point to no. The Republicans can only get back into power if the American voter has the memory of a goldfish. And most signs suggest that he does.