Did anyone else notice Obama gave his speech from Henderson and not Last Vegas?

I am glad the Mayor of Las Vegas gave him the boot. Maybe next time Mr. O will actually read his speech and decide not to criticize people for wanting and be able to go there.


Edit: Sorry, my eyes are not that good I meant Las Vegas.


Thank you all for your opinions, that's all I wanted. Maybe Mr. O will take some of his own advice and quit spending he doesn't have to spend? Wow what a concept.


Edit: I did get my facts straight. The mayor did criticize Mr. O and Mr O did criticize people for going to Las Vegas. He needs to think before he speaks but then that would mean no teleprompter I guess. Unless a US city is racist or doing something illegal, the president needs to support all US cities and concentrate more on our exports and manufacturing abilities period.


Favorite Answer

I don't know how well you know the area, I've only been there once myself, but you do realize that Henderson is just "down the road" from the strip, right? It's close enough near by to be considered part of "Las Vegas". You also don't realize that he didn't criticize people for going there, whether they can afford it or not, he gave a common sense statement. You don't have the money to loose, then don't gamble it. Give this one a rest people, it was no big deal. It was the same as W telling us to go out shopping to help out the post 9/11 economy.


From what i hear Las Vegas is i deep shet their Casino's and luxury hotel are closing like hot cakes no one is vacationing in this desert city any more .Soon the peoples of that state will start to blame the mayor who haven't done much in helping to advertising Sin city . Bolstering and criticizing the president of the USA doesn't help this idiot mayor credibility when Obama is not the problem . No i think the mayor is making a big mistake in not welcoming the president ,but he can't stop Obama from going there anyway he's just another incompetent republican /mayor not the President of these UNITED STATES .lmao

Morales Familee2010-02-22T19:28:58Z

I lived in Vegas all of my life and i dont see what the big deal is. Vegas has been seen for pretty much ever as the place people go to blow money. Obama said nothing wrong or bad about Vegas, all he did was state the obvious, dont go blowing your retirement, college fund, mortgage/rent payment etc, if you cannot afford to do so.

get your facts straight, here is one for you,
Oscar Goodman (Vegas Mayor) is a complete moron and has ruined Las Vegas for the people who live there.


Yes I did, and it demonstrated that the Mayor of Vegas is a moron.
By making a stink over a short common sense comment that nobody even gave a damn about the mayor convinced a lot of conventions to choose a location away from Vegas and then drove the people who would have come to see Obama out of town too.

If the Mayor had a few brains instead of just being an old Mafia tool he would have had Obama there and put on a real show of it.
He would have been able to showcase the city and to have Obama endorse it in spite of his wise words about economizing if you are hurting for money.

Lost Wages:


So Obama gives a speech from a suburb of Las Vegas, and you feel entitled to conclude that the mayor of Las Vegas gave him the boot?

Couldn't you just as well conclude that they mayor of Henderson bought Obama out? I don't get it--how do you get from the fact that Obama gave a speech in one city to the conclusion that another city's mayor must have booted him? Is this what passes for good conservative reasoning?

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