Tell me, tell me, Tell me..............................?

Tell me something i dont know.!.


Favorite Answer

he is not an orange , hes lieing , run while you still can


sometimes YES sometimes NO. Pregnancy signs are the same as signs of a period coming so sometimes it's very hard to tell. tHE VERY BEST way to know is to wait till a period is late and do a hometest. I was 7 weeks before i found out with my daughter I NEVER felt sick pregnant sore boobs ANY SIGNS of pregnancy but, a + test. With this pregnancy before my period was due i felt hot, irriated, crampy, sore boobs, everything smelled terrible. All pregnancy are differnt even if a women is having no signs and a period is late it's best to test.




Not all life needs sunlight to exist. (I'm sure you know about photosynthesis)

But at the bottom of the ocean, organisms use chemosynthesis.

Chemosynthesis is the use of energy released by inorganic chemical reactions to produce food.


FACTOID! *I like factoids, theyre fun... newho!* did you know that there is a library university in Indiana that when they built it they didn't take into account the weight of the books so every year it sinks over an inch... I thought it was kinda funny... newho... hope its something you didn't know... if you knew that one heres something else:
regular wood #2 pencils used to be made with nicotine, that's why so many people chewed on their pencils

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