Umm, my parents not letting me put myself singing on Youtube?
I'm 13 and I love 2 sing. I'll be 14 for a month. My parents r acting like I'm still a baby and they won't let me put myself singing on Youtube. Also they don't like the way I sing, and the only reason is I'm shy to sing in front of them and then my voice cracks, cause I know they don't wanna hear my voice. But my friends and everybody else tell I'm good. I can't make them change their opinions, but I'm thinking about not letting them know that I'll put myself on Youtube. I see everyone else has a Youtube account, even if they don't know how to sing, and I'm DESPERATELY trying to be a singer. They prob think it's just my stupid teenage dream, but if it was a stupid dream, I'd stop singing years ago. I sing every day, and my younger sister also tells I'm obsessed with music. I'm not obsessed, I love music! Nobody understands me. What should I do?
Favorite Answer
youtube is great so get on it! proffessonals and amateurs use it to showcase their talents! it's really hard when your family are telling you, your no good and your friends ae telling you, your good. i guess you don't know who to beleive. I would suggest at that point to get a vocal coach and get a proffessional opinion and then go from there.
Would they let you make videos that have an audio track of you singing, but something else such as a picture slideshow for the visual part? I've seen that done many times. It wasn't clear in the question, but it sounds like they're just afraid of online predators. Sometimes they get attracted to kids' appearances and things get really scary. If that's the case, try to compromise and don't show yourself in the videos.
Whatever the case though, don't look at this as your only opportunity to get yourself out there. Join a choir, take voice lessons, do local performances, or whatever other singing activities you can. Then by the time they let you post it on the internet, you'll be a lot better than you are now.
The best thing to do is talk to your parents about how you feel. Try to get them to understand that you're not a baby. Tell them that you really want to be a singer and many singers have actually been discovered through YouTube. If they don't like the way you sing simply because you get nervous in front of them, try recording yourself singing and then show them this video. That way, you won't be nervous in it and they'll see how great you really are. Maybe they'll change their mind then. Good luck :)
You'll thank them when you are 21 and you don't want all that embarrassing stuff you did as a kid online for all the world to see. I've got news for you: You probably will never be a singer. You and about 30 million other 13 year old girls want to sing. Yes, it is probably a stupid teenage dream you'll grow out of.