My doctor doesn't want to see me until 10 weeks?

I recently found out that I am pregnant. When I called my ob/gyn they said that they do not schedule the 1st prenatal appointment until you are 10 weeks along. Is this normal? Because I know that a lot of people on here have appointments before then and some even have ultrasounds and get to hear the heartbeat before this!


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The only reason I had appointments earlier than that is because I had lost the pregnancy before due to an EP. In that case, an early ultrasound and blood tests are warranted.
With all signs pointing to a normal pregnancy, most Drs don't see you until you are 10-12 weeks - which is when they do the first set of blood tests. In my area, we generally see our GPs and do not see an OB until 28 weeks, unless there are complications.
So take comfort in the fact that your pregnancy is going the way it should. However, do not hesitate to call your Drs office if you have any concerns about ANYTHING. There are no silly questions when you are pregnant.

Camille P2010-03-01T18:34:05Z

Yeah, I'd say this is pretty normal. I had my first prenatal at 8 weeks though, so I guess every doctor is different. Though I did see my doctor at 5 weeks but that's because I book the appointment myself and it was because I was getting some light pink spotting, hence my dr making me do an ultrasound and blood test done....but if your pregnancy thus far is going smoothly and whatnot, you should be fine and 10 weeks is not out of the ordinary, but if you do have questions and you can't wait, then call your ob/gyn or even your family doctor and schedule one up and get the answers you need if you need peace of mind.


Where I live, it's routine to have your first appointment around 12 weeks. I saw my OB earlier with my second child simply because I had just given birth a few months previously and had erratic periods. He wanted to do an US before 6 weeks to get the most accurate dating, if I was that early.

With my first and third, it was 11-12 weeks.


That is pretty normal. I had mine when I was 6 weeks, although my dates were off, I thought I was 8 weeks. My doc offices sees you when you are about 8 weeks. Every doc office is different. I didn't hear the heartbeat until I was 12 weeks, my second appointment. Best of luck.

Mommy G2010-03-01T20:08:37Z

totally normal. I was 12 weeks at my first appointment and they actually did my first ultrasound at that appointment also. It was great to be able to go in the first time and hear the babies heart beat and see the baby!!

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