Is something wrong with me?

Ok, so I'm having some odd symptoms that may or may not be related or I may just be overreacting. I don't know. Which is where you come in. =)

First things first, I know I have asthma. Moderate asthma, probably, but I haven't gotten an official diagnosis as to the severity. I've had asthma since I was a baby, and I'm 14, so it's just something I've gotten used to (Actually, it kinda went away for a little bit, and it's coming back now, which I know is not unheard off.)
I was on prednisone a lot when I was younger, and I've been on it... twice in the past year and half.
I'm overweight, I'm not going to lie. I need to loose weight, but it's hard. It's hard because my asthma gets in the way and it's hard because the weight doesn't seem to come off. Last time I tried, I lost... about 3 or 4 lbs in the first month. Talk about discouraging.
I get dizzy, too, sometimes. It's always usually brought on by something, and I've always gotten motion sickness. In fact, one of my earliest childhood memories was me getting out of the car to throw up on the side of the mountain because I was car sick. Lately, however, I went on the Nemo Submarine ride at Disneyland, and was dizzy for a couple hours. (Yes, I know, it's disneyland and dehydration is prevalent. I wasn't dehydrated.)
My next symptom that may or may not relate to any of this: I get hurt easily, for lack of better words. I'm going to try and elaborate on this one, but it might not make much sense.
I hurt my leg taking off my shoe. Apparently, I tweaked my calf muscle in a weird way, and hurt it. It's hard to explain. =(
My final symptom is painful muscle cramps/spasms/whatever you want to call them. The other day in PE, we had to run a mile. (This is where everything comes together) I didn't have my inhaler, so I, stupidly, tried to do it without it. Long story short, I finish. I don't get a time because I took too long, but I really don't care because it hurts to breathe. I figure I'm having an asthma flare-up and that sucks because I'm not going home for another 3 hours. So I get dressed, and go to lunch. I'm not really wheezing so much as coughing until I run out of air and have to breathe and start the process over again. After about 10 minutes of sitting and resting, the coughing subsides, but I'm still having the classic "shortness of breath and wheezing" asthma symptoms. I text my mom and tell her I'm having asthma problems and while doing so, it feels like my hand is falling asleep. You know, the tingling feeling.
(My theory at this point is that my hand isn't getting enough oxygen because I'm not getting enough oxygen because I having an asthma attack. Makes sense, yes?)
And then, slowly, it starts getting harder and harder to text because my hands are totally cramping and spasming. Which has never happen before. And it scared me. And that was the moment I thought something might be wrong with me and put these symptoms all together.
The weird spasms continued for about 10 minutes or so, and I got the tingling feeling in my calf/feet areas, but not the cramps.
And I didn't have an asthma attack, because I made it through the day, came home, and took my inhaler. (Better late then never?)

I think that's it on symptoms. If anything else comes to mind, I'll add it.

And thanks in advance for any and all answers(Except totally lame ones, like "You should see your doctor". I know I should see my doctor, and I have an appointment next week. I want to know if there's even anything wrong with me and have a general idea of what before I go.)


Favorite Answer

so let me get this straight hun .... asthma, dizzyspells, motion sickness, muscle cramping in your legs and accident prone, numbness and tingling and cramping in your hands??

asthma can be enormously improved by drinking more water ...... your lungs need water to breathe you know .....and ditching any sodas or pop that will only massively dehydrate you ....... as well as rip the calcium and magnesium right out of your bones ....... dizzyspells, muscle cramping, numbness and tingling and cramping could all be indirectly related to a lack of calcium in your diet ........ how much sodas are you drinking?? excessive amounts of processed sugar in your diet will also leach the calcium from your bones ....... calcium is needed for iron absorption .... iron deficiency will produce dizzyspells, excessive feelings of being cold, fatigue and exhaustion, paleness of skin, nasty slapping headaches ...... calcium is needed for the effective assimilation of b6 (pyridoxine)....... without enough B6 you'll suffer muscle cramping, excessive urination, excessie sweating, night sweats, tingling and numbing and prickling sensations in the outer extremities such as hands and feet, arms and legs and dry mouth so bad no amount of water will resolve it .... accident prone ........ calcium is also needed for the effective assimilation of b12 (pyridoxine) ..... clumsiness, unsteady gait, chest pains and heart palpitations, fatigue and exhaustionj, dizzy spells, excessive sweating, depression are all symptoms of B12 deficiency ...... motion sickness.... i still get that and i'm not a little child anymore either ...... don't read in the car and try eating some barley sugar when you feel a bout coming on ..... and look ahead, not to the side.

and eat more green salads and green leafy vegies........... rich in calcium...... so important for healthy neural functioning...... and making your heart beat.

and i don't suggest you supplement with a b complex either ...... just eat more wholegrains and cereals like brown rice and rolled oats, leafy green vegies, salads and some lean meats and fresh fishes........ then you don't need the b complex supplement...... cheaper and far better for you.

congratulations for being so level headed too......... just a thought.




Did you seriously run a mile whilst overweight with 'mild' asthma? I'm impressed. Please tell me you walked a little bit of it. Walked, run, walked run...
You sound a little like me. Seriously unfit and keep pushing it further than you should. If your head is dizzy and your hands are tingly sometimes it means your organs are keeping all your blood. Get some blood to your head by laying down and see if you can raise your feet a little. Wiggle your fingers a little but only a little, in the big scheme of things your brain gets the circulating blood not your hands.
Try walking a mile slowly and see how long it takes. Do that a few times a week. Then make it a faster walk for a week or so. Then maybe if you feel ok you can progress to jogging half the way. Don't push it. It can feel like the pits when you're overweight everyday, but just think those skinny people have to hold weights when they walk!
You're right about going to the doctor though. You need more info


A very sick mama dog is an extremely stressful situation. And I understand your anger at some of the answers that you received. It is normal for you to want to vent back to these folks some of your anger and frustration. So, try to remain calm and keep your focus on your dog & pups. Don't let this cloud your true goal - a healthy dog. And yes, I would love to know this outcome. Kudos to you for your quick action in caring for 7 pups! It isn't easy! I wish that more people would realize that there are situations that stump even the best of vets. While the calicum issue is the most common with these symptoms, it is not the only cause. And your dedication to this dog and her pups is very, very admirable. So, you know that you are responding to this crisis in the best manner possible. You are doing all you can do in an extremely difficult situation. Let God sort out the rest. Peace
