Thoughts on Abortion?

Personally, I don't believe in it, but what do you think?

Divine Oubliette2010-03-05T12:04:23Z

Favorite Answer

Reproductive freedom means that no one can tell you or I what they can or cannot do with their bodies or their pregnancy.

This isn't just about aboriton it's about the government no being able to tell me or you what we can or cannot do with our individual reproduction.

It's my right to do with my own eggs what I please. Whether that's taking birth control and keeping myself from ovulating, donating my eggs, using IVF, using a condom, giving birth or getting an abortion.

It's a private issue between my doctor/my midwife, my husband and I. Every women has the RIGHT TO PRIVACY because there are so many things that can go wrong with pregnancy, I think people forget that pregnancy is inherently dangerous to women and any decision that has to be made regarding a pregnancy should be between the people it directly effects (pregnant women and partner) and their medical providers.

My 5 1/2 month old stillbirth, 6 miscarriages, my abortion and my daughter are nobodies business but my husband's, mine and my doctors/midwives. Other's people do not get opinion because they aren't the ones who saw their 5 1/2 months old fetus/baby take a breath and then die in their arms, they aren't the ones who went through 6 miscarriages, needed an aboriton for an ectopic pregnancy or gave birth to my daughter - so why the hell should anyone but me get an opinion about MY reproductive choices, happenings and experiences.

It's a right to privacy issue - my body, my uterus, my vagina, my spirituality, my beliefs my life and nobodies else's so why should they get an opinion?

Why do some people think they have any right whatsoever to hold women's sexuality and reproduction up for public scrutiny and opinion-spouting? (Especially when men do not get held up to the same high standards. let's just give them a pass, huh?) Where is the kvetching about men who refuse to wear a condom and litter the earth with babies they cannot/do not claim or take responsibility for?

~Pro-Choice Momma; Have had an abortion <no regrets> and I have a 14 month old daughter <no regrets>. I believe in protecting my daughter's choice.

Abortion: There is a Consensus

Ps - Remember reproductive freedom mean no one can tell YOU what you can and cannot do with your body. This 'debate' is wider than just abortion.


I am vehemently pro-choice. Other people's sex lives are none of my business. I personally never want to be pregnant and if despite my efforts I become pregnant, I am glad I have options.

I don't belong anywhere.2010-03-05T19:11:58Z

Pro-life. Don't get me wrong I am a hardcore feminist, I'm all for women's rights, but murder is murder. If you don't want the responsibility of a baby give it up for adoption. I think there should be exceptions for abortion though... like, rape, incest, harm to the mother, or retardation that will cause the child to die soon after birth. (but that of course will cause problems and lying about rape) Just because its your body doesn't mean you should get to murder a child because you're irresponsible. And I for sure am EXTREMELY against abortion in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, that's just horrible. I don't understand why you would do such a cold-hearted thing and not care. Have you seen pictures of aborted fetuses in the 2nd and 3rd trimester? (I don't want to link you because of how graphic it is)Those ARE people. People abort full grown babies for no reason other than they're irresponsible and that's what bothers me.

And no I'm not some crazy christian preaching to you guys, I'm actually an Atheist.

Hope that helps...


Nobody has the right to take up residence in a woman's body without her consent. Having sex does not mean you should have to 'suffer the consequences'. Sex is an adult choice, and if a pregnancy accidentally occurs, it is up to the pregnant woman to choose whether or not to end that pregnancy. If you can call a woman who's had an abortion a murderer, then anyone who's had a miscarriage is guilty of manslaughter. That means practically every woman, because almost every woman has had a fertilized egg that has been flushed out with her period, without her even being aware of being pregnant.


100% prolife. My cousin was raped and had the baby- that was 20 years ago and that child has gone on in life to be amazing and is a law student.. My mom suffered from ectopic pregnancies (4) and was told that she had to have an abortion; she did not and miscarried just fine. In RARE stores I may agree if the mom could die- that is about it. I was a pregnant teen 13 years ago and was told by many to get an abortion, I did not and I would just die if anything happened to my daughter now. SHE IS MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!

I just can’t believe how so many people in this life justify having abortions as “ I was young” . Sorry. Not an excuse to kill your baby. (pictures of aborted babies and videos)

PS - you are smart to be prolife :)

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