Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy-- what gives you relief?

I've been having some bad nausea lately. Luckily, no vomiting (yet) but it certainly makes me feel miserable. I know they say to try to get a little bit of food in so that your stomach isn't empty, but I find that impossible when everything looks repulsive. What gives some of you other pregnant girls relief?


Favorite Answer

Ginger cookies helped me emmensely. I took them everywhere :) If cookies dont sound good, get ginger pills and take them 2 times a day. Works wonders!


I had severe morning sickness, I was getting sick like 10-15 times per day ....the only thing I could eat without being repulsed was a very bland diet...oh and mashed potatoes, those were my staple!! but i stuck with apple sauce, toast, ritz crackers, a little gingerale, and I took my prenatals right before bed so they had a chance of stay down. I found that I didnt start getting cravings till about 5 months, Im 8 months now, so the bland diet wasnt as bad in the beginning....lastly in the morning my husband literally had to force me to eat crackers...and then I would feel a little should be very happy your not getting sick yet, and just force yourself to eat!!


my nausea has now turned into vomiting. the only relief i get is if i go to sleep (obviously only possible on a weekend and if you don't have any other kids). it's just a nightmare. Sucking a strong mint works while it's in my mouth but 5 mins after i feel ill again.
i hope it goes for you soon.


I was on Zofran for the 1st 16 weeks b/c I the only time I usually wouldn't get sick was the morning. But this drug is a life saver!!! In my 1st month I lost a little over 8 lbs, so my doc decided to give it to me. Feeling like your going to throw up all the time sucks just as bad as throwing up. My doc told me in the 1st few months, keeping liquids down is what's important, yea food is to, but you wont get dehydrated if you can drink. So just try talking to your doc about zofran.

good luck


The one thing that helped me immensely was recommended by my midwife - half of a can of cold Coca Cola in the morning. I thought she was crazy (after all, I always heard that caffeine was bad in pregnancy) but it made an amazing difference in how nauseous I felt.

As others said, ginger helped some as well.

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