Hopefully someone will help me with my French?
Okay, I'm just writing a little speech for my French class, and it has to be quite long, so I was wondering if someone could proof-read it. I'm usually good at making them up, but the grammar here is a little iffy and the cultural differences in saying the same thing may have an impact on the way I should say it.
(The goal of the little speech is to tell everyone my plans after I graduate high school)
Après l'école, j'essaierai aller à l'université de la floride parce que j'aime la ville. Mes projets que j'aurai seront aller à paris et parler le français bien. Pour fêter ma remise des diplômes, j'inviterai ma famille et mes amis à un fête chez moi. Mon objectif sera travailler comme un ingénieur chimique ou comme un physicien. Dans quelques ans, je voyagerai et habiterai en France ou peut-être en l'Allemagne, nous verrons un jour.
Yeah, that's basically what I'm going to say. Can someone tell me if this makes sense and wouldn't be weird to say in French without sounding American? I'm trying to sound as French as possible lol
Thank you