Question for the Women!?

What is the best way for a guy to approach you?


Favorite Answer

Just be casual and say 'hi, how are you?'


This is what my current crush said to me that I loved, it's simple:

Hi. I don't think I've seen you here before. I'm Brian. What's your name?

Now obviously, if you've seen her before, that wouldn't work. Brian and I aren't dating, but that line made me like him more. We're semi friends. (I liked him when I first saw him, lol)


to jus walk up to me and introduce himself..i dont like guys who beat around the rather them jus come out and say whatever they have to say :)


Come to me and say something cute and flirty...;_ylt=AvLkfq7lE_1GBfv763NIPyXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100308053538AAGOVZf