Physical Requirements for the Navy?

I just looked at the physical requirements for the Navy and I was shocked that a woman 5'10'' has to be under 177lbs. I am almost 40lbs over that, and although I know Im not in top shape, I am not obsese or anything. I would be a stick if I were 177lbs.
So, what are my options if I want to join the Navy? Also, can I join the Navy and lose the weight with them or do I have to lose it before I join?


Favorite Answer

I know a lot of women who have trouble meeting the weight requirements because they have a lot of muscle. If you don't meet the weight requirement, you can opt for a body fat test. The max allowable body fat for a female under age 40 is 33%. If you meet this standard, you shouldn't have a problem.

If you want to become an officer, you need to meet the weight and physical requirements before they will send you to OCS. If you choose to enlist, they will slim you down at boot camp. But, you need to be close to the weight and physical requirements in order to enlist.

I would see where you stand with regards to the physical requirements and your body fat percentage and proceed from there.


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Physical Requirements for the Navy?
I just looked at the physical requirements for the Navy and I was shocked that a woman 5'10'' has to be under 177lbs. I am almost 40lbs over that, and although I know Im not in top shape, I am not obsese or anything. I would be a stick if I were 177lbs.
So, what are my options if I...


Navy Weight


Call a recruiter and ask if he or she is willing to work with you at your current weight or if they want you to lose the weight first. It's pretty likely they will want you to be within 10-15 pounds of the max weight before they start working with you. I was about 5 pounds overweight and within body fat percentage (33% for women up to age 39) and my recruiter was on me constantly to lose the last 5 pounds. I had to do weekly weigh ins with her. I shipped 2 pounds overweight and it was fine.

You can measure your body fat percentage at this website: (That's the website my recruiter told me to use. Take each measurement three times and use the average.) Be warned though... body fat percentage can vary widely depending on who is doing the taping. I've had mine change by a few percent in one day between two different people. It's always better to be within weight if you can, and not have to rely on the tape. Plus, you'll get picked on less at boot camp or OCS.

I only went to one MEPS (San Jose, CA), so I'm not one hundred percent sure on this, but it seems to me that since the regulation applies to the whole Navy, all MEPS should accept body fat percentage if you're overweight.


I'm Anthony. I lost 75 pounds and shed my high school nickname Pudgy. Our family has a tragic history of cardiac disease and rheumatoid arthritis. I am proud to say that family tradition ends with me. I know I have broken the cycle and will never have to be faced with those illnesses. Thank, you have changed my life.

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