We humans are able to live a long life without Health Care, BUT?
We can live maybe a few weeks without food. We can only live a few days without water. If I don't pay for my water, it gets shut off. This is true for almost everyone who doesn't have a well.
Why is there no campaign for nationalized, and free, water supplies for everyone?
Just a thought that occurred to me.
Favorite Answer
Because it is not needed. Water is one of the most plentiful and affordable things when it comes to personal consumption in america. I bet if you do research, you will find that farms in areas prone to drought do have some sort of subsidy for getting water.
If you are too poor to afford water or food for that matter, there are homeless shelters you can go to and receive water.
If you are too poor to pay for health insurance the government does not care.
Also, and more obviously, no one has ever heard of someone being dehydrated to death in the United States. Probably because water is incredibly accessible from public sources like water fountains.
How much taxpayer dollars are being used to pay for food and water for people who have none? Is the water and food industry about to go under, or are they thriving? My local water dept is under Governmental control already, and the food industry is heavily subsidized with tax dollars and regulated under the Federal dept known as the FDA
One acclimates to tooth loss over the years. you may steam gentle vegetables consume fruit and floor meat and all which you particularly choose. it particularly is largely an exercising in conceitedness to think of it is going to impression your well being. shield sparkling an infection unfastened gums, take a each and daily diet and experience what you may. of direction the best thing approximately dentures is a non starter for a extra useful existence yet you may get each and every thing you opt for even without tooth. in simple terms verify you do not have undesirable tooth with infections and gum issues.
our media ever wants to follow the celebrities, weather the celebrity is "C" class to run their 24 x 7 news channel, our political leaders (specially americans) are ever interested in the internal matters of other countries, they has not ever interested in the local matters of that voters who gave them their votes, the citizens who have the job ever thinks that how they make their job secure, regular & permanent, those who has not the job just ever thinks that how they arrange their meal, rest of else just ever thinks how to overcome from recession, then who has the time for campaign for natioanalized, and free, water supplies for everyone but still the campaign for "not to waste the money collected from our pockets in the matters of afganistan, iran etc. and spent that money for their country to overcome from recession" is badly needed, bcz if once, we overcomes from recession, we have the jobs and we can pay our bills in advace.