President Obama. The cost of gas and heating oil is climbing. What will you do about it?

It is up to $ 82.00 a barrel. So what will you do about it? Who are you going to blame for it?

Lester Krinklesac2010-03-16T10:35:20Z

Favorite Answer

Obama: "What I plan to do about it is nothing. I plan to ride out the last three years of my term under the radar, then collect my pension for life. Thanks for voting me into office, suckers!!"

Hockey Kenny2010-03-16T17:39:15Z

My guess is the same people Bush blamed when it was $126 a barrel in 2008. Crude Oil prices are directly tied to supply and demand. Supply is what OPEC will allow to be produced, demand is how much we use.

You want to lower gas and heating oil prices? Use less of it. Don't be so short sighted to think the president can do much about that. You want him to step in and control how much money the oil conglomorates make? Hmmm, now THAT would smack of socialism.


Q & A king, 2 many VN's2010-03-16T17:38:28Z

Good Question!

A better question though is what are you going to do about it? Surely you plan to do more than post a question on Yahoo Answers as your contribution right?

The cost of gas and heating oil is climbing for a number of reasons. First, they are both finite resources and as with any finite resource as the supply diminishes the cost will go up. Second, with the push for alternative energy solutions (wind, solar, nuclear) gas and heating oil could be obsolete in the US and these companies want to make as much money as they can in the meantime.

What am I doing about it you might ask? I drive a fuel efficient car, I'm working on making my house more efficient and looking at solar panels and a possible wind power solution for my house.

what are you doing?


Oil companies and Wall Street Nothing new they have Price Gauged before plus every-time the Economy Creates Jobs prices for Oil go up, and when they don't Prices go down, they said life wasn't Fair however these Oil Companies Executives are Greedy Selfish People they will do anything to screw Consumer over.

remoive me from answers2010-03-16T17:41:30Z

He is going to blame Bush and the Republicans, while he flies to California on Pelosi's presidential jet, on the way he might stop or fly over harry reeds place.. But he is flying in a green machine.

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