Will Obama supporters be lined up at their Dr.'s offices the day after Obamacare passes..?

Only to find that they were too uninformed to know that it does not take effect immediately. Will there be backlash against "The Great One" and his team from their supporters the next election because of this? "Hey,,,What happened to my free health care?"


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They are gonna be waiting in that line for quite some time!


Waiting in line at the doctor's office for 3 years will be the norm after Obamacare passes.


The backlash is already under way, it will only get worse. I want to know what's going to happen with all the tax revenue they will have collected on us once Republicans (and Democrats, don't fool yourself!) repeal this abominable bill?! They'll use it to bail out who next?


Just think what will happen when they have to give up the false nails, cell phones and gold teeth to buy the insurance they need to keep from going to jail.


Yes, I can hear them now..."Obama done past dat healf cayuh bill and I needs muh scriptions filt"

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