Will Jeff Hardy fans be excited?

Jeff Hardy can still work...



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It's a shame that fans of RVD and Jeff Hardy wont support and watch them since they are working for TNA.

Why hate on TNA? Why hate on RVD and Hardy for working for TNA?

If you didnt like working for your employer and you could go work somewhere else and be happy WOULDNT YOU DO THAT? I sure as hell would. Why fault them for that?

It's so stupid that some fans can't support the WRESTLING INDUSTRY and not be so brainwashed by the WWE.

If fans thought the way you do back when WWE was trying to grow and break away from the traditional territory days the WWE wouldnt be around today.

It's fans like you that do more harm than good to the wrestling industry.

SUPPORT the talent no matter where they CHOOSE to work.

SUPPORT the industry no matter if you like the company or not.

TNA is good for the industry. ROH is good or the industry. There has to be more options than JUST the WWE or else wrestling as we know it will die off soon than you think, it's already started.

11 million viewers used to tune in weekly to watch WCW and WWE combined on Monday nights. Since WWE became the only game in town and the only option for wrestling fans that number has dropped to 5 million. WWE is killing the wrestling industry. At least TNA is working towards building the industry back up. Hell, TNA is even working with ROH again and allowing TNA talent to go work ROH shows again. TNA knows a healthy ROH is better for the WRESTLING INDUSTRY.


I love Jeff Hardy but im not too excited cuz he's in TNA


jeff hardy is the best in TNA AND IN WWE


i agree with the guy above me,he's in TNA and i don't want to watch the whole boring thing just for alittle match that jeff hardy is in it, and i'm not exited but i am his number one fan.


Jeff Hardy sucks he isn't very entertaining plus he is a horrible role model for kids with his consistent drug relapses

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