Is Israel violating the International Law when is triying to Build new Settlements in Palestinian Land?

Also they are evicting Christian and Muslim Families from their homes to give them to israelis. The Nazi use the same tactics to evict German Jews from their homes.

Truth Teller2010-03-23T15:03:37Z

Favorite Answer

Yes they are and they always have since 1948, and there are many united nation mandates that say that they need to withdraw and stop acting inhumane acts towards the people of the land. Israel is violating the law but and all countries dislike israel except america. The reason why no one is doing anything is because america and israel are 2 big forces and no country wants to get involved. hope i answered


It is Israeli land, not palestinian land.

And the people being evicted are people that have no property rights or claims to be there.

The only thing Nazi I see is your propaganda.


Last time I checked Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.


They are indeed violating international law.


Did you even look up Alsace-Lorraine?

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