Just here to have some fun kinda. Is that OK?

I bet ya all wanna live to see another day, Yes?

He pointed a gun and it was alarming

but I said, "I bet yer not havin any fun at this are ya?"

and tried to sound charming.

"Gimme all yer money or just "forget it"

I said, "Here take my purse, but yer gonna regret it."

He snatched it from my hand, dumped it and cursed,

"Geez girl this is my worst"

"If youd'a asked I'da told ya tissues and lip gloss

now leave me alone and please get way lost,

cuz even if it seems fear is on my lips

I'm pullin my hand gun from my hip.

If ya wanna live to see another day,

I suggest ya might wanna run away."


Favorite Answer

LOLOL, that's kinda all they would find in my bag, along with a bazillion reciepts, loose change and loadsa make up ha. A robbers worst nightmare, mind you it is a prada bag, but that's all that's worth anything...cute poem. Yer really going for it aintya..keep it comin hun xx


just For Fun ??? Well Here Goes !!

It Was A Bright September Morn.. One October in July..
The Sun Lay thickly On The Ground, The Snow Shone In the Sky.
The Flowers Were Singing Gaily, The Birds Were In Full Bloom..
As I Went Down The Cellar Steps To Clean an Upstairs Room...
I saw Ten Thousand Miles Away, A House.. Just Out Of Sight...
It Stood Alone, Between Four More,... It's Colour ?..... Black Washed White


*lol* No but I often start to ask questions on here and think either: Meh this will just get emotional answers not fact or But what will the other mommies think =)) A couple of times I have started asking about the fact that OBs don't see moms until the "6 week appointment" but midwives see you on day 1, 3, 5 or 7, 2 or 3 weeks, if two weeks often at 4 weeks, and then at 6 weeks. It seems very strange to me that there is no assessment of post partum bleeding or whether tears are healing properly until 6 weeks, doesn't that seem too late?


Cute, even if sketchy sweetie, and I know yer always "packin"

Don't mess with a Red totin a Pink Glock
Cuz if yer not careful she'll clean yer clock.

Mike H Music Man in New Orleans2010-03-28T12:56:37Z

LOL - Don't screw with a Texan - they pack heat - I loved it my friend. Years ago I had a punk try to rob my wife and I with a knife - I laughed and pulled out my 9MM and he about pooped his pants. I have never seen anyone run so fast in my life. I don't carry one very often anymore even though I do have a concealed weapons permit.

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