Every sickness has a name. Is there a scientific (greek or latin) name for fearing the truth?

I mean panic sickness wherein the person cannot stomach/face the truth. They go into panic
mode and start throwing tantrums and cry like babies, wailing and screaming, foul, foul, like
the trolls on this health forum specially alt/med?


Like the truth from JAMA about death
caused by doctors every year,


Hellomcg, Look maam, everything about
me is open and that is why you could track me but i cannot because your Q/A
are private so who has more to hide
from Truth, you or me???


Hello Angry Doc, What about proof from
your own JAMA is it not enough for you???


Favorite Answer

To answer your question, the term denialism comes to mind. That term, inevitably and unfortunately, has since been co-opted by drug industry spin doctors and their amoral flunkies to include just about anybody who does not toe the pharmaceutical party line. Nowadays, if someone questions the seriousness of or established treatment regimen for a particular disease, they are smeared with the denialist label. Mind you, you could also just tag the disorder as ambition, a very warped one at that. The obvious nervousness of said people in this section is just proof that their facade is crumbling.



The greatest example of a tantrum I've seen in a while (and I work with children under 3) is the person who asked the same question on 7 different boards because s/he couldn't get the answer s/he wanted, and whined and complained at the people who answered, telling one to 'clean your spects (sic) and read the question again'.

Now, who was that again?

Please, give an example of someone who answered your question by crying, wailing, screaming and being 'foul, foul'.

You can't, because what you really mean is 'they disagreed with me' .

Trolling means deliberately posting inflammatory, or off-topic messages with the intention of provoking other users, being disruptive and causing trouble. It doesn't mean disagreeing with someone else (or presenting a more articulate and intelligent argument than someone else). And calling someone else a troll is, by the way, a YA violation.



This is an interesting question, I have been looking but couldn't find anything.It seems there is a scientific name for every fear, take a look at this list for example:


But, fear of truth was not amongst them...but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist :)


That's a perfect description for a person letting their ego rule their lives ..... so maybe it's egocentric.



I know some people who do that. They ask questions like "Why are skeptics on this board?!" Boohoo.

You really want to shut them damn skeptics up? Give proof of your silly alt med therapies. Not whiny questions like this.