Just for fun Old Wives Tales. was this correct for you? Gender prediction related to heartbeats..?

So they say if the heartbeat is above 140 it is a girl, below 140 it is a boy. I never found out the sex of my daughter when I was pregnant but I remember doing all these little old wives tales for fun. I am 12 weeks along now with number 2 & again I wont find out the sex but I am sure I will have some fun with old wives tales again.

This is the only old wives tale that I believe could possibly be truthful, however I don't believe it fully.

Was this correct for you? My babies heart beat at 20 weeks was 152BPM so it was correct for me because I had a little girl, but with just a 50/50 chance it's likely that it is going to get some hits.

I would love to know if it worked for you, just for a little fun :) Thanks


No need for silly answers :)


Interesting thanks Cindy & Jennifer :)


Favorite Answer

i had been hoping this old wives tale was true as well...BUT...the heart rate all the way up to 35 weeks was in between 165, 172, and now steady at 142...it's a boy :D so i'm guess this old wives tale has it's flaws. i also know about 6 other people it has failed to work on.
congrats and good luck :)


I'm also interested in this! I've read somewhere something about if you crave sweet it's meant to be a girl and savoury it's a boy. Also tie your ring to a piece of your hair or string dangle it over your belly, if it swings around in circles it's a girl and pendalim (up and down, sorry spelling) it's a boy.\ Also heard something about if you look good during pregnancy its a boy and if you looking not so good its a girl, she's stealing all your good looks :)


I asked my doctor the same question and she said that its not true, or at least with her patients its not true.
But its still fun to guess these things. Why don't you do some the other gender predicting methods, even if you don't believe in them and see if you get a reoccurring answer?
I have done a few of them and im apparently having a boy, still got a few more weeks until doc can confirm that though.

Good luck with your pregnancy!

♥ Gimme cho o latte ♥2010-03-31T07:20:32Z

My baby's heartbeat at 29 weeks was 160. It is a boy.

*~*ItS a GiRl!!*~*2010-03-31T04:04:23Z

it was true for me. from the first time i heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks its been between 150 and 170 and its a girl :) good luck and congrats and baby #2!

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