Just for fun Old Wives Tales. was this correct for you? Gender prediction related to heartbeats..?
So they say if the heartbeat is above 140 it is a girl, below 140 it is a boy. I never found out the sex of my daughter when I was pregnant but I remember doing all these little old wives tales for fun. I am 12 weeks along now with number 2 & again I wont find out the sex but I am sure I will have some fun with old wives tales again.
This is the only old wives tale that I believe could possibly be truthful, however I don't believe it fully.
Was this correct for you? My babies heart beat at 20 weeks was 152BPM so it was correct for me because I had a little girl, but with just a 50/50 chance it's likely that it is going to get some hits.
I would love to know if it worked for you, just for a little fun :) Thanks
No need for silly answers :)
Interesting thanks Cindy & Jennifer :)